Website runs 9x faster than normal websites with MNCHOST Litespeed Servers .MNCHOST (also pronounce as MNC Host) is Cloud Datacenter Company providing reliable, fast & affordable servers, SSLs to every level of clients .The company started at year 2010 and in only 6 years it became best choice for bloggers, e-commerce, small companies & security agencies like AVAST.
MNCHOST configured all servers with Litespeed & solid state drive .MNCHOST provides 100% uptime SLA on all servers starting from Rs. 66/month or $1/month .#Litespeed #1Gbps #Backups #SSD #Cpanel #SpamBlocking #FreeEmails #100%Uptime #CorporateServers #24x7Support
Raid-10 SSD Drives
Cost efficient
Simple website hosting plan starts from INR 66/month .It includes all types of taxes and addons . This plan have same features like SSD drive,litespeed,1gbps port but if you’re really serious about your business and website ,MNC HOST recommends business plans which starts from INR 460/month .
Litespeed Servers
MNCHOST aimed to delivers best Website browsing experience .
Cheapest SSL
So ,MNCHOST do provides all premium SSLs like COMODO ,Symantec ,thawte,etc but up to 10% pricing of their actual pricing .Does it sounds awesome ? Check out SSL plans of MNCHOST .
Free Daily Backups
Business Servers
MNCHOST is fast ,MNCHOST is reliable ,MNCHOST is affordable cloud hosting company for those business who really looking for something better than normal hosting companies.
100% Uptime SLA
That’s MNCHOST promised .Do not worry about downtime now .
Plan starts from Rs.66/month
Starts your first premium website hosting now .
Support Response Time
MNCHOST support team have record of responding any support query in 30 mins of time .Even though it is average figure but most of the tickets responded under 15 mins and some waits for appropriate department .
Free Migration
Made plan to switch to awesome server ? Contact migrate[at]mnchost.com now and they will migrate all files of your website free of cost 🙂
Founded by Sohil Jain, Leading by 20% Americans, 30% IITians & NITians.
Coded many server optimization and security scripts that preventing every small attack on your websites.
Company working for faster & better website browsing experience to users.
Promoting Startups by providing all required resources free .
5+ years in cloud hosting & development field .
Supporting social causes like Cyber Crime Awareness .