
Paper Battery

Let us first know what is a Paper battery?

A paper battery is a flexible, ultra-thin energy storage and production device formed by combining carbon nanotube s with a conventional sheet of cellulose-based paper. A paper battery acts as both a high-energy battery and supercapacitor, combining two components that are separate in traditional electronics. This combination allows the battery to provide both long-term, steady power production and bursts of energy.In addition to being unusually thin, paper batteries are flexible and environmentally-friendly, allowing integration into a wide range of products. Their functioning is similar to conventional chemical batteries with the important difference that they are non-corrosive and do not require extensive housing.

How does Paper Battery work?

The conventional rechargeable batteries which we use in our day-to-day life consist of various separating components which are used for producing electrons with the chemical reaction of a metal and electrolyte. If once the paper of the battery is dipped in ion-based liquid, then the battery starts working i.e.,electricity is generated?by the movement of electrons from cathode terminal to anode terminal. This is due to the chemical reaction between the electrodes of paper battery and liquid. Due to the quick flow of the ions within a few seconds (10sec) energy will be stored in the paper-electrode during the recharging. By stacking various paper-batteries up on each other, the output of the paper battery can be increased.As the paper batteries are connected each other very closely for increasing their output, there is a chance of occurring short between the?anode terminal and cathode terminal. If once the anode terminal contacts with cathode terminal, then there will be no flow of current in the external circuit. Thus, to avoid the short circuit between anode and cathode a barrier or separator is needed, which can be fulfilled by the paper separator.


“Technology is driving the innovation. Technology is driving the creativity”


What are Paper Battery Properties?

The properties of the paper battery can be recognized from the properties of cellulose such as :-

  • excellent porosity
  • biodegradability
  • non-toxic
  • recyclability
  • high-tensile strength
  • good absorption capacity
  • low-shear strength

also from the properties of carbon nanotubes such as low mass density, flexibility, high packing density, lightness, better electrical conductivity than silicon, thin (around 0.5 to 0.7mm), and low resistance.

Paper Battery Manufacturing:-

One method is to grow the nanotubes on a silicon substrate and then filling the gaps in the matrix with cellulose. When the matrix is dried, the material can be removed the substrate. Combining the sheets together with the cellulose sides facing inwards, the battery structure is formed. The electrolyte is added to the structure.


“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational”


Applications of Paper Batteries:

With the developing technologies and reduction in the cost of cathode nanotubes, these batteries find applications in the following fields:

  • Nanotubes used for Paper Battery

Paper Battery= Paper (Cellulose) + Carbon Nanotubes

The paper battery can be used for various applications as it facilitates advantages such as folding, twisting, molding, crumpling, shaping, and cutting without affecting on its efficiency. As the paper batteries are the combination of cellulose paper and carbon nanotubes, which facilitates advantages of long-term usage, steady power, and bursts of energy. These types of paper batteries are estimated to use for powering the next generation vehicles and medical devices.

  • Paper batteries in electronics

Paper batteries are used mainly in many electronic devices, such as mobile phones, laptop batteries, calculators, digital cameras and also in wireless communication devices like mouse, Bluetooth, keyboard, speakers, and headsets.

  • Paper batteries in medical sciences

Paper batteries are used in the medical field such as for making pacemakers for the heart, artificial tissues, drug delivery systems, cosmetics and in Biosensors.

  • Paper batteries in automobiles and aircraft

Paper batteries are used in automobiles and aircraft such as in lightweight, guided missiles, hybrid car batteries, long air flights and in satellite programs for powering electronic devices.

This is all about the paper battery with its working principles and applications.

These batteries have the potential adaptability to power the next generation electronic appliances, medical devices and hybrid vehicles. So, these batteries could solve all the problems associated with conventional electrical energy storage devices. Furthermore, for any queries, regarding this article or any other?electrical projects, you can leave your comments, suggestions by commenting in the comment section below.

  • Electrochemical Batteries

Electrochemical batteries can be modified to integrate the use of paper. An electrochemical battery typically uses two metals, separated into two chambers and connected by a bridge or a membrane which permits the exchange of electrons between the two metals, thereby producing energy. Paper can be integrated into electrochemical batteries by depositing the electrode onto the paper and by using paper to contain the fluid used to activate the battery. The paper that has been patterned can also be used in electrochemical batteries. This is done to make the battery more compatible with paper electronics. These batteries tend to produce low voltage and operate for short periods of time, but they can be connected in series to increase their output and capacity. Paper batteries of this type can be activated with bodily fluids which makes them very useful in the healthcare field such as single-use medical devices or tests for specific diseases. A battery of this type has been developed with a longer life to power?point of care?devices for the healthcare industry. The device used a paper battery made using a magnesium foil anode and a silver cathode has been used to detect diseases in patients such as kidney cancer, liver cancer, and osteoblastic bone cancer. The paper was patterned using wax printing and is able to be easily disposed of. Furthermore, this battery was developed at a low cost and has other practical application.

  • Lithium-ion Batteries

Paper can be used in lithium-ion batteries as regular, commercial paper, or paper enhanced with single-walled carbon nanotubes. The enhanced paper is used as the electrode and as the separator which results in a sturdy, flexible battery that has great performance capabilities such as good?cycling, great efficiency, and good reversibility. Using paper as a separator is more effective than using plastic. The process of enhancing the paper, however, can be complicated and costly, depending on the materials used. A carbon nanotube and silver nanowire film can be used to coat regular paper to create a simpler and less expensive separator and battery support. The conductive paper can also be used to replace traditionally used metallic chemicals. The resulting battery performs well while simplifying the manufacturing process and reducing the cost. Lithium-ion paper batteries are flexible, durable, rechargeable, and produce significantly more power than electrochemical batteries. In spite of these advantages, there are still some drawbacks. In order for the paper to be integrated with the Li-ion battery, complex layering and insulating techniques are required for the battery to function as desired. One reason these complex techniques are used is to strengthen the paper used so that it does not tear as easily. This contributes to the overall strength and flexibility of the battery. These techniques require time, training, and costly materials. Additionally, the individual materials required are not environmentally friendly and require specific disposal procedures. Paper lithium-ion batteries would be best suited for applications requiring a substantial amount of energy over an extended period of time. Lithium-ion paper batteries can be composed of carbon nanotubes and a cellulose-based membrane and produce good results but at a high price tag. Other researchers have been successful using carbon paper manufactured from pyrolyzed filter paper. The paper is inserted in between the electrode and cathode.The use of a carbon paper as an interlayer in Li-S batteries improves the batteries efficiency and capacity. The carbon paper increases the contact area between the cathode and the electrode which allows for greater flow of electrons. The pores in the paper allow the electrons to travel easily while preventing the anode and the cathode from being in contact with one another. This translates into the greater output, battery capacity and cycle stability; these are improvements to conventional Li-S batteries. The carbon paper is made from?pyrolyzed?filter paper which is inexpensive to make and performs like multi-walled carbon nanotube paper used as a battery.

  • Biofuel Cells

Biofuel cells operate similarly to electrochemical batteries, except that they utilize components such as sugar, ethanol, pyruvate, and lactate, instead of metals to facilitate redox reactions to produce electrical energy. The enhanced paper is used to contain and separate the positive and negative components of the biofuel cell. This paper biofuel cell started up much more quickly than a conventional biofuel cell since the porous paper was able to absorb the positive biofuel and promote the attachment of bacteria to the positive biofuel. This battery capable of producing a significant amount of power after being activated by a wide range of liquids and then be disposed of. Some development must take place since some components are toxic and expensive.

Naturally occurring electrolytes might allow?biocompatible?batteries for use on or within living bodies. ?Paper batteries described by a researcher as a way to power a small device such as a pacemaker without introducing any harsh chemicals such as the kind that is typically found in batteries in the body.

Their ability to use electrolytes in the blood makes them potentially useful for medical devices such as?pacemakers,?medical diagnostic?equipment, and drug delivery?transdermal patches. German healthcare company KSW Microtech is using the material to power?blood?supply temperature monitoring.

  • Supercapacitors

Paper battery technology can be used in?supercapacitors. Supercapacitors operate and are manufactured similarly to electrochemical batteries, but are generally capable of greater performance and are able to be recharged. Paper or enhanced paper can be used to develop thin, flexible supercapacitors that are lightweight less expensive. The paper that has been enhanced with carbon nanotubes is generally preferred over regular paper because it has increased strength and allows for easier transfer of electrons between the two metals. The electrolyte and the electrode are embedded into the paper which produces a flexible paper supercapacitor that can compete with some commercial supercapacitors produced today. A paper supercapacitor would be well suited for a high power application.

  • Nanogenerators

Nanogenerators are a more recent device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. Paper is desirable as a component of nanogenerators for the same reasons discussed above. Such devices are able to capture movement, such as body movement, and convert that energy into electrical energy that could power LED lights, for example.


“When you take technology and mix it with art, you always come up with something innovative”


Advantages of Paper Battery:-?

The composition of these batteries is what sets them apart from traditional batteries.

  • Paper is abundant and self-sustaining, which makes paper cheap. Disposing of paper is also inexpensive since paper is combustible as well as biodegradable.
  • Using paper gives the battery a great degree of flexibility.
  • The battery can be bent or wrapped around objects instead of requiring a fixed casing.
  • Being a thin, flat sheet, the paper battery can easily fit into tight places, reducing the size and weight of the device it powers.
  • The use of paper increases the electron flow which is well suited for high-performance applications. Paper allows for capillary action so fluids in batteries, such as electrolytes, can be moved without the use of an external pump.
  • Using paper in batteries increases the surface area that can be used integrate reagents. The paper used in paper batteries can be supplemented to improve its performance characteristics.
  • Patterning techniques such as photolithography, wax printing, and laser micromachining are used to create hydrophobic and hydrophilic sections on the paper to create a pathway to direct the capillary action of the fluids used in batteries.
  • Similar techniques can be used to create electrical pathways on paper to create paper electrical devices and can integrate paper energy storage.


Although the advantages of paper batteries are quite impressive, many of the components that make them great, such as carbon nanotubes and pattering, are complicated and expensive.


“The science of today is the Technology of future”





By Author – Prankul Sinha



Web search engine is the software which is designed to search the information in the worldwide web. The search results are generally presented in a line of results often referred to as search engine results pages. The search result is a mixture of web pages, images, videos etc. that website whos SEO (search engine optimization) are good will be shown in the 1st page of google search engine thats why SEO is very important for websites.

Before we study how the search engine works or how the search engine used to find the web pages we have to study some technical things which are:-

  • Web crawler
  • Robots.txt
  • Meta tags


  1. Web crawler:

A Web crawler, sometimes called a spider, is an Internet bot that systematically browses the World Wide Web, typically for the purpose of Web indexing

Web search engines and some other sites use Web crawling or spidering software to update their web content or indices of others sites’ web content. Web crawlers copy pages for processing by a search engine which indexes the downloaded pages so users can search more efficiently.


  1. Robots.txt:

The robots exclusion standard, also known as the robots exclusion protocol or simply robots.txt, is a standard used by websites to communicate with web crawlers and other web robots. The standard specifies how to inform the web robot about which areas of the website should not be processed or scanned. Robots are often used by search engines to categorize websites. Not all robots cooperate with the standard; email harvesters, malware, and robots that scan for security vulnerabilities may even start with the portions of the website where they have been told to stay out. The standard is different from but can be used in conjunction with, Sitemaps, a robot inclusion standard for websites.


  1. Meta tags:

Meta elements are tags used in HTML and XHTML documents to provide structured metadata about a Web page. They are part of a web page’s head section. Multiple Meta elements with different attributes can be used on the same page. Meta elements can be used to specify page description, keywords and any other metadata not provided through the other head elements and attributes.



A search engine maintains the following processes in near real-time:

  • Web crawling
  • Indexing
  • Searching


Web search engines get their information by web crawling from site to site. The “spider” checks for the standard filename robots.txt, addressed to it, before sending certain information back to be indexed depending on many factors, such as the titles, page content, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets , headings, as evidenced by the standard HTML markup of the informational content, or its metadata in HTML meta tags. No web crawler may actually crawl the entire reachable web. Due to infinite websites, spider traps, spam, and other exigencies of the real web, crawlers instead apply a crawl policy to determine when the crawling of a site should be deemed sufficient. Some sites are crawled exhaustively, while others are crawled only partially.


Indexing means associating words and other definable tokens found on web pages to their domain names and HTML-based fields. The associations are made in a public database, made available for web search queries. A query from a user can be a single word. The index helps find information relating to the query as quickly as possible. Some of the techniques for indexing, and caching are trade secrets, whereas web crawling is a straightforward process of visiting all sites on a systematic basis.

Between visits by the spider, the cached version of the page (some or all the content needed to render it) stored in the search engine working memory is quickly sent to an inquirer. If a visit is overdue, the search engine can just act as a web proxy instead. In this case, the page may differ from the search terms indexed The cached page holds the appearance of the version whose words were indexed, so a cached version of a page can be useful to the website when the actual page has been lost, but this problem is also considered a mild form of link rot.

Why Should We Go For A Website?

By Author – Prankul Sinha


In our modern world website is a very easy way for any business firms to advertise their product or display their product to the client in a very beautiful manner. If the business firm has his own website then they can build the good relationship with the customer and they can also sell their product online. By doing this, company growth will drastically change. If the presentation of the website is good then there will more visitors to the website which leads to increase in the sale of the company. The owner of the company has also an advantage that he can track every detail of his company while sitting in the home with his phone or laptop. The website also plays an important role to find a new employee if the owner wants fresher for the work then he can publish it in their website that there is a vacancy so that fresher can apply through the website.

Todays school and colleges are also using website so that they can advertise their college which leads to more and more admission they also use their website to perform many functions such as? student can pay their fees through student portal if there is function in school they can put it on website so that all student get informed. Therefore there are different purposes of the website according to our need which is as follows:-


The Purpose of E-Commerce Websites:-

The purpose of e-commerce websites is to sell products to users. The most successful websites are carefully optimized to achieve a high percentage of purchases. To achieve success e-commerce websites need to integrate all of the latest online closings & upsell techniques available which have been proven to increase the chances that a visitor will purchase. There are many elements which make the e-commerce best like by removing friction through the website, by making the payment option so smooth etc.


The Purpose of Service-Based Business Websites:-

The purpose of a service-based business website is to convince website visitors that they should become customers of the service company. This is done by positioning the company as a dependable, trustworthy and experienced service provider in the target market.

Visitors will pre-screen potential service providers by reviewing their websites before they make any phone calls. During this process, they are trying to find the best company that will meet their specific needs. They are trying to ascertain how expert the company is, the quality of the work they will receive, whether the provider has a good reputation and how long the company has been in business. Visitors can be helped by providing them with information and articles which demonstrate your knowledge, a visual portfolio of your work, videos, and customer testimonials and so on.


The Purpose of Social Media Websites:-

The main purpose of social media website is to connect friends family so they can easily share their photos videos etc. Social networks can be used for both personal and commercial purposes. Businesses use social networks to build direct connections with their customers which allow them to get feedback on their products and services and allow them to learn more about what their customers really need and want.


The Purpose of Entertainment Websites:-

These websites showcase entertaining information for visitors. Online magazines, gossip oriented websites, celebrity news, sports coverage, movies, the arts, humorous websites, etc. These websites are designed to be easy to navigate and frequently updated in order to keep users coming back for more information. They can be made more engaging by using dynamic content, such as videos, podcasts, slideshows, etc.

Search Engine Optimization

By Author – Prankul Sinha



Search engine optimization is the process of getting traffic from the organic or natural search results on search engines. All the search engines such as google, yahoo, bing have primary search result which shows all the web pages in the ranked format and if the SEO of webpage is good then it will be on top 10 rank. Optimizing a website involve editing its content, doing HTML, and associated coding to both increases its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of backlinks, or inbound links is another SEO tactic

Types of SEO:

  1. On-page SEO:-

On Page SEO refers to settings you can apply on your website so that it is optimized for search engines. The On-page SEO activities primarily include infusing keywords in the right quantity, inserting internal links, meta tags, Meta description, building a customized URL structure, inserting the alt attributes, taking care of the image SEO and most importantly providing the users with quality content.

Types of On-page SEO:

  • Back-linking:

By giving backlinks to reliable sites, the authority of a site increases. Giving a backlink to a site that has a higher search engine ranking enables you to have a better level of credibility according to the Googles algorithms. Also, if you give multiple backlinks to an authoritative site, there are chances that you are able to convince them in the future to give your site a backlink as well. Such a reciprocative action would do wonders for your sites traffic.

  • Meta Description:

The Meta description refers to the text that is displayed along with the title on the search engine result pages. The Meta description is a crucial SEO element as it determines to a great extent if the searcher will click on your sites link or not.

  • Image SEO:

Image SEO is another way of optimizing the website or the landing pages in specific. An optimized image will appear in the searches made for images on Google. When the user clicks on the link to go to the original source of the image, the user is redirected to your website. Thus, to gain traffics on the website, images are an important component of any website, thus, must be optimized.


  1. Off-page SEO:

Off-page SEO refers to activities we can perform outside the boundaries of our website. The most important are:

  • Sharing:

If you think its ok to publish a blog and not share it on your social media handles or other connectivity apps that inform people what are you up to. Some of your friends might actually look forward to investing time in your work. Again you dont know how many people the post may reach through your social media handle. And if the post appears relevant to them, theres an even higher possibility that they may share it on their profile or the connectivity apps they use in their daily routine.

  • Liking/ star rating:

Liking works just the same as commenting and sharing. The more the number of likes and star ratings on a post, the better is the credibility of that post according to Google. The star ratings especially work as reviews for a particular blog, for both the audience and Google, the star ratings are a means of reviewing the blog.

  • Answer queries- be responsive:

Your potential consumer would put up questions every now and then. Putting up questions signifies only one thing that your audience is interested in what they are reading. So, theres a reasonable chance that if you answer their questions you would be able to maximize their interest and crack a sale along with building engagement which is obviously very crucial to your online existence.

Look out for what the user is looking for:

One of the most important aspects of off-page SEO is spending time on researching where the potential audiences interest lies in. When you pick topics of interest to your audience, it is an obvious fact that you will be able to build more engagement. isnt that what you want?

Moreover, when you post after carrying out a little research, you are updated with what is prevailing in the market and would write on the trending topics that are of interest to all.

Develop a personal touch with the target audience:

The off-page SEO has several elements that allow you to develop a personal touch with the users. While you reply to the comments and answer their queries over the social media or right below the blog itself, there is a scope for developing a personal touch with the audience. the more personally you connect with the audience, the more familiar the audiences would feel with your brand.

Smart Note Taker

Smart Note Taker :-

The Smart Note Taker is such a helpful product that satisfies the needs of the people in today’s technological and fast life. This product can be used in many ways. The Smart NoteTaker provides taking fast and easy notes to people who are busy with something else. With the help of Smart NoteTaker, people will be able to write notes on the air, while being busy with their work

The written note will be stored on the memory chip of the pen and will be able to read in digital medium after the job has done. This will save time and ease life. The smart note taker is good and helpful for blinds that think and write freely. Another place, where this product can play an important role, is where two people talks on the phone. The subscribers are apart from each other while their talk and they may want to use figures or texts to understand themselves better. It’s also useful especially for instructions in presentations.

The instructors may not want to present the lecture in front of the board. The drawn figure can be processed and directly sent to the server computer in the room. The server computer then can broadcast the drawn shape through network to all of the computers which are present in the room. By this way, the lectures are aimed to be more efficient and fun. This product will be simple but powerful. The product will be able to sense 3D shapes and motions that user tries to draw. The sensed information will be processed and transferred to the memory chip and then will be monitored on the display device. The drawn shape then can be broadcasted to the network or sent to a mobile device.

“Technology is the best when it brings people together”

Technical Definition of Smart Note Taker:-

In order to meet the technical requirements of the product we need Operating System Like Windows or Linux in order to implement software part of the project, Displacement Sensors to recognize the displacement of the pen in three dimensions, parallel cable to communicate with computer, software to solve the displacement data and finds the individual coordinate displacements in three axes and transform the data into text format, analog to digital converter to process analog displacement data and convert them into digital format, switch to control the pen and Rechargeable battery.

  • Analog to digital converter
  • Software program to convert data into text or string format
  • Operating System ??Parallel cable
  • Switch
  • Rechargeable battery
  • Displacement Sensor

“It’s Not faith in technology, It’s Faith in People

Note Taker for PC:-

PC Notes Taker is the world’s first device that captures natural handwriting on any surface onto a PC in real time. Based on a revolutionary electronic pen, PC Notes Taker displays the user’s handwritten notes, memos or drawings on the computer, and stores the image for future use. PC Notes Taker is ideal for markets where the handwritten input is essential, such as health, educational and financial sectors. Supplied with user-friendly software, PC Notes Taker is compatible with PCs and notebooks.

Adds Handwriting Input to any Computer PC Notes Taker is the world’s first device that captures natural handwriting on any surface onto a PC in real time. Based on a revolutionary electronic pen, PC Notes Taker displays the user’s handwritten notes, memos or drawings on the computer, and stores the image for future use. PC Notes Taker is ideal for markets where the handwritten input is essential, such as health, educational and financial sectors. Supplied with user-friendly software, PC Notes Taker is compatible with PCs and notebooks.


Capture of handwriting from any plain paper or other writing surface Input of continuous writing up to A4 page size Insert sketches, signatures, equations, and notes into Word documents E-mail sketches or handwritten notes in any language using MS OUTLOOK Convert handwriting to digital text using MS word recognition engine Annotate, add comments, edit and draw in your own handwriting onto MS office documents Create instant messaging using ICQ

The Smart Pen system includes the Smart Pen and a pen cradle connected to an internet-enabled computer. As CRFs are filled out, the Smart Pen records each stroke. It identifies each CRF and where it is on the page through a very fine grid pattern that appears as a light gray background shading on the CRF. The Pen is then placed in the cradle, activating a password-protected Internet link to Health Decisions. Data are interpreted into fields and validation can occur immediately, with queries returned to sites quickly over the Internet. The process also creates an exact copy of the original CRF that can be read for notation and comparison with interpreted data fields. Health Decisions takes the best technology and applies it to your clinical trials.

“In Technology Whatever can be done will be done”

Note Taker for mobile:-

The Ultimate Handwriting Capture Device Mobile NoteTakerTM is the worlds first portable handwriting capture device based on natural handwriting as an input. Attach plain paper of any kind and use the Pegasus electronic pen to capture, store and share handwritten drawings, sketches, notes, and memos at meetings, lectures, and conferences.

Mobile NoteTakerTM has a built-in LCD to confirm input. The on-board flash memory can store up to 50 pages.


Uses standard paper – no special paper required Stores up to 50 A4 pages Includes LCD to view and confirm input Operates both in mobile mode and when connected to PC, notebook or other device Connects to PC/Notebook via USB cable (included) Includes software for synchronization and management of stored files Writes directly into MS Office applications (in Connected mode) Allows file transfer over LAN, email, and instant messaging application (in connected mode).

Capture, Organize, and Share Your Notes Digitally-Anywhere, Anytime!
Mobile Mode Enables capture and storage of notes and sketches digitally at meetings, lectures, and conferences.

“Because People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do”

Connected Mode

Synchronizes the Mobile NoteTakerTM and a PC/Notebook via USB cable (included). You can upload, organize, move, edit or add to handwritten notes, ideas, sketches, phone numbers, or reminders. The included software also enables memos, notes, and sketches to be sent via e-mail or over the LAN network. It is also possible to write directly into MS Word or Outlook, and add a personal touch to ICQ instant messages. Based on Pegasus successful PC Notes Taker, Mobile NoteTakerTM is the ultimate handwriting capture device. Everything you need to get started is right in the box. Even if you dont have standard size paper or piece of paper with you-you can use anything – an envelope, an old receipt, a tear-off from a paper bag and best of all in your own natural and writing.

As long as you have the Mobile NoteTakerTM, you can jot down your most inspired ideas and be sure that you will never lose them again.

Pill Camera

What is wireless capsule enteroscopy (Pill Camera)?

Wireless capsule enteroscopy also known as pill cam is a relatively new method of diagnosing diseases within the?small intestine.

For detecting diagnosis a pill-sized video capsule is swallowed, which slowly travels through your intestine before being naturally excreted. The capsule has its own built-in light and camera to take pictures of the walls of the intestine and detect bleeds or small intestine tumors, ulcers or abnormal vascular masses. 2-4 images are taken per second for up to 8 hours. The images are transmitted to a recorder that is worn around the waist.

You may require this investigation if you have abnormal bleeding or are suspected to have Crohn’s disease. This investigation is non-invasive and allows doctors to examine all three portions of the small intestine

  • Duodenum,
  • Jejunum and
  • Ileum

which often cannot be reached by other imaging methods.
What is Capsule Endoscopy used for?

Capsule enteroscopy allows your doctor to visualize the small intestine which is often missed by conventional imaging methods such as upper gastrointestinal endoscopy or colonoscopy. The most common reason for ordering this investigation is to look for sources of bleeding. You may have noticed blood in yo ur vomit or faeces, or have unnoticed blood loss that can cause iron deficiency anaemia. This investigation can identify polyps, inflammatory intestine disease (Crohn’s disease or?ulcerative colitis), ulcers and tumors that may be the source of the bleeding. Such lesions may not have been found by previous investigations but once identified; your doctor can decide an appropriate course of management.

The other main use is for evaluating the extent of Crohn’s disease, which commonly affects the small intestine. This investigation is particularly useful for detecting early disease which may be missed by barium examination and CT. Also, it can be useful in patients who have symptoms which do not match the extent of disease (if any) seen by conventional imaging techniques.

Wireless capsule enteroscopy may have further indications in the future as it is safe, easy to perform, non-invasive and doesn’t require sedation. In particular, if techniques are invented that allow treatments or biopsies (tissue sampling) to be performed at the time of the procedure, it will become a very useful procedure.

It should be noted that this investigation may not always be the best for you. The images taken by the camera are of poorer quality than those obtained by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy or colonoscopy. In addition, the camera may move too fast or slow to examine or the appropriate areas or be facing the wrong way and miss some lesions. Thus, it is only one possibility?of a series of investigations you may require in order for your doctor to make a correct diagnosis.
How do you prepare for the procedure?

Prior to the procedure, your doctor will explain what the procedure involves, risks, benefits and why it is indicated in your case. You will need to fast (don’t eat or drink) for around 10 hours before the investigation, as it is safest and produces the best results when the intestine is empty.

No fluid is taken for at least 2 hours and no food for a further 4 hours after swallowing the capsule. Oral medications can be taken after 2 hours if required.

If you are diabetic, the medication must be stopped during the fasting period and insulin use should be discussed with your doctor.

There is usually no need for intestine preparation, but strong colored tablets (e.g. iron tablets) should be avoided for about 24hrs before the procedure.
What does the procedure involve?

For the procedure, you will be required to swallow a 26x11mm endoscopy capsule equipped with a video camera, light source, radio transmitter, and batteries. The capsule is swallowed with a substance called simethicone, to prevent bubbles forming and interfering with the images.

The capsule passes naturally through your body via peristalsis (contraction and propelled by the muscular walls of the gastrointestinal tract) while it takes many images. The images are detected by a sensor device attached to your abdomen with 8 small aerials taped to the skin (similar to the electrodes used for an ECG). These are recorded and stored on the image recorder worn around your waist.

After approximately 8 hours you will be required to return to the medical center so the images can be downloaded and examined on a computer monitor by the physician. Around 50,000 images will be taken per investigation, so it can take a long time for these to be examined and processed. Your doctor will normally inform you of the results within a week.

You should pass the capsule naturally after 8-72 hours, but it can sometimes take up to two weeks. If you haven’t passed the capsule by this time, an X-ray may need to be performed to see if it is still present or obstructed. The capsule is discarded after it has been excreted.
What are the risks?

Capsule enteroscopy is a safe procedure and is well tolerated by most patients. Less than 1 in 10 people have difficulty swallowing the capsule, which has a gel coating to help you swallow it.

The main risk is retention of the capsule, which occurs in about 1 in a hundred people. The capsule becomes impeded by a stricture (narrowing) secondary to a tumor, inflammation or scarring from previous surgery. It is not dangerous in the short term, but you may require a surgical intervention to remove it. Obstruction may present as bloating, vomiting or pain. You should consult your doctor promptly if you experience these symptoms. In most cases, the capsule will pass naturally from the body without any problems.


Generic Visual Perception Processor

By Author – Ashish Kasture


The Generic visual perception processor is a single chip modeled on the perception capabilities of the human brain, which can detect objects in a motion video signal and then locate and track them in real time. Imitating the human eyes neural networks and the brain. This chip can handle about 20 billion instructions per second. This electronic eye on the chip can handle a task that ranges from sensing the variable parameters as in the form of video signals and then process it for co-Generic visual perception processor is a single chip modeled on the perception capabilities of the human brain, which can detect objects in a motion video signal and then locate and track them in real time. Imitating the human eyes neural networks and the brain, the chip can handle about 20 billion instructions per second.
Generic Visual Perception Processor can automatically detect objects and track their movement in real-time. The GVPP, which crunches 20 billion instructions per second (BIPS), models the human perceptual process at the hardware level by mimicking the separate temporal and spatial functions of the eye-to-brain system. The processor sees its environment as a stream of histograms regarding the location and velocity of objects. GVPP has been demonstrated as capable of learning-in-place to solve a variety of pattern recognition problems. It boasts automatic normalization for varying object size, orientation and lighting conditions, and can function in daylight or darkness. This electronic “eye” on a chip can now handle most tasks that a normal human eye can.
That includes driving safely, selecting ripe fruits, reading and recognizing things. Sadly, though modeled on the visual perception capabilities of the human brain, the chip is not really a medical marvel, poised to cure the blind. The GVPP tracks an “object,” defined as a certain set of hue, luminance and saturation values in a specific shape, from frame to frame in a video stream by anticipating where it’s leading and trailing edges make “differences” with the background. That means it can track an object through varying light sources or changes in size, as when an object gets closer to the viewer or moves farther away. The GVPP’S major performance strength over current-day vision systems is its adaptation to varying light conditions. Today’s vision systems dictate uniform shadowless illumination and even next-generation prototype systems, designed to work under normal lighting conditions, can be used only dawn to dusk.

The GVPP on the other hand, adapt to real-time changes in lighting without recalibration, day or light. For many decades the field of computing has been trapped by the limitations of the traditional processors. Many futuristic technologies have been bound by limitations of these processors. These limitations stemmed from the basic architecture of these processors. Traditional processors work by slicing each and every complex program into simple tasks that a processor could execute. This requires an existence of an algorithm for the solution of the particular problem. But there are many situations where there is an inexistence of an algorithm or inability of a human to understand the algorithm.
Even in these extreme cases, GVPP performs well. It can solve a problem with its neural learning function. Neural networks are extremely faulted tolerant. By their design even if a group of neurons gets, the neural network only suffers a smooth degradation of the performance. It won’t abruptly fail to work. This is a crucial difference, from traditional processors as they fail to work even if a few components are damaged. GVPP recognizes stores, matches and process patterns. Even if the pattern is not recognizable to a human programmer in input the neural network, it will dig it out from the input. Thus GVPP becomes an efficient tool for applications like the pattern matching and recognition last references are given.

What is Security Trend?

By Author -Rashmita Soge


Looking ahead, a number of emerging IT security advances will arm organizations with the right information at the right time to help spot and mitigate potential breaches before they can occur. Here, in no particular order, Collaborate, contribute, consume and create knowledge about todays top security trends, help to identify security issues that are relevant and emerging as well as issues that need more guidance.
Overall, security trends will closely follow technical trends for a particular year. If AI(artificial intelligence), IoT(internet of things), Data privacy are said to be a game changer in technical industry for 2018.
Here are the key technology trends for 2018 that are anticipated to have an even greater impact on businesses and government in the relentless pursuit to increase efficiencies and enhance connectivity.
Internet of Things (IoT):
Internet-enabled devices are expected to continue their momentum in 2018 and connect even more everyday objects. IoT devices present some very serious security issues. Most IoT devices were never built to withstand even very simple cyber-attacks. Most IoT devices are unable to be patched or upgraded, and will, therefore, remain vulnerable to cyber hacks or breaches.
If compromised, IoT devices with security vulnerabilities can result in a range of issues, such as a simple denial of service, privacy compromises, major infrastructure failures, or even death. There are well-known methods of improving the security of IoT devices, such as implementing additional protection steps and processes, but these have other drawbacks, such as higher costs, and user inconvenience. Government regulation is needed to set national frameworks in place to ensure devices have minimum standards of protection.
Artificial Intelligence (AI):
Many vendors have jumped onto the AI bandwagon in order to build “smarter” systems that can detect and act on security threats, either before or very early after the information has been compromised. I expect to see this continue in 2018, with computers becoming more intuitive and defensive.This presents a strong opportunity for developers, with a growing demand for systems to be increasingly intelligent and alert to potential cyber risks.
Just as AI has the potential to boost productivity for businesses and government, hackers will look to AI to find vulnerabilities in software, with machine-like efficiency, to hack into systems in a fraction of the time it would take a human being. This and other scenarios make AI one of the key technology trends to watch and mitigate risk for in 2018.
Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin has come on to the global agenda in 2017, and with it surging in value, it begs the question of how can owners ensure it is protected and legitimate?
Current cryptocurrency systems have significant issues with scale and performance and may be susceptible to quantum computer attacks in the future. Cryptocurrency systems need to evolve to overcome these issues, and investors in cryptocurrency need to place more emphasis on the security strategies and systems in place at their providers or risk losing their capital overnight.
Cloud Computing:
Many high-profile breaches in recent years have demonstrated the vulnerabilities of cloud computing and how it continues to be a significant issue. The ongoing question of how businesses and individuals can manage their data remotely while ensuring its protected will continue to resonate in 2018.
While many users will judge that the risk of data compromise does not warrant local control of information when compared with the benefits of convenience and low price of cloud services, a growing number of potential users will come to realize that for them, the risk of data compromise may be too high. This will be particularly true for government agencies, defense, intelligence, banking and finance, and legal services.
Data Privacy:
Data privacy also called information privacy, is the aspect of information technology (IT) that deals with the ability an organization or individual has to determine what data in a computer system can be shared with third parties. Data privacy continues to be a lost issue with every new device monitoring our conversation, location, likes, dislikes. There is a huge electronic virtual dictionary being built on us with the digital footprint that we are constantly leaving. This will continue into 2018 and beyond.

What is Hawk-Eye?

By Author – Rishabh Sontakke


Hawk-Eye is a computer system used in numerous sports such as cricket, tennis, Gaelic football, badminton, hurling, Rugby Union, association football, and volleyball, to visually track the trajectory of the ball and display a profile of its statistically most likely path as a moving image.
The Sony-owned Hawk-Eye system was developed in the United Kingdom by Paul Hawkins. The system was originally implemented in 2001 for television purposes in cricket. The system works via six (sometimes seven) high-performance cameras, normally positioned on the underside of the stadium roof, which track the ball from different angles. The video from the six cameras is then triangulated and combined to create a three-dimensional representation of the ball’s trajectory. Hawk-Eye is not infallible, but is accurate to within 3.6 millimeters and generally trusted as an impartial second opinion in sports.
It has been accepted by governing bodies in tennis, cricket, and association football as a means of adjudication. Hawk-Eye is used for the Challenge System since 2006 in tennis and Umpire Decision Review System in cricket since 2009. The system was rolled out for the 2013-14 Premier League season as a means of goal-line technology. In December 2014 the clubs of the first division of Bundesliga decided to adopt this system for the 2015-16 season.

How does it work?

The whole setup involves six high-speed vision processing cameras along with two broadcast cameras. When a delivery is bowled, the position of the ball recorded in each camera is combined to form a virtual 3D positioning of the ball after its being delivered. The whole process of the delivery is broken into two parts, delivery to bounce and bounce to impact. Multiple frames of the ball position are measured and through this, you can calculate the direction, speed, swing, and dip of that specific delivery.

Deployment in sports

  1. Cricket:
    The technology was first used by Channel 4 during a Test match between England and Pakistan on Lord’s Cricket Ground, on 21 May 2001. It is used primarily by the majority of television networks to track the trajectory of balls in flight. In the winter season of 2008/2009, the ICC trialed a referral system where Hawk-Eye was used for referring decisions to the third umpire if a team disagreed with an LBW decision. The third umpire was able to look at what the ball actually did up to the point when it hit the batsman, but could not look at the predicted flight of the ball after it hit the batsman.
    Its major use in cricket broadcasting is in analyzing leg before wicket decisions, where the likely path of the ball can be projected forward, through the batsmans legs, to see if it would have hit the stumps. Consultation with the third umpire, for conventional slow motion or Hawk-Eye, on the leg before wicket decisions, is currently sanctioned in international cricket even though doubts remain about its accuracy.
    The Hawk-Eye referral for an LBW decision is based on three criteria:
    ? Where the ball pitched.
    ? The location of impact with the leg of the batsman.
    ? The projected path of the ball past the batsman.
    In all three cases, marginal calls result in the on-field call being maintained.
    Due to its real-time coverage of bowling speed, the systems are also used to show delivery patterns of a bowler’s behavior such as line and length, or swing/turn information. At the end of an over, all six deliveries are often shown simultaneously to show a bowler’s variations, such as slower deliveries, bouncers, and leg-cutters. A complete record of a bowler can also be shown over the course of a match.
    Batsmen also benefit from the analysis of Hawk-Eye, as a record can be brought up of the deliveries from which a batsman scored. These are often shown as a 2-D silhouetted figure of batsmen and color-coded dots of the balls faced by the batsman. Information such as the exact spot where the ball pitches or speed of the ball from the bowler’s hand (to gauge batsman reaction time) can also help in post-match analysis.
  2. Tennis:
    In late 2005 Hawk-Eye was tested by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) in New York City and was passed for professional use. Hawk-Eye reported that the New York tests involved 80 shots being measured by the ITF’s high-speed camera, a device similar to MacCAM. During an early test of the system at an exhibition tennis tournament in Australia (seen on local TV), there was an instance when the tennis ball was shown as “Out”, but the accompanying word was “In”. This was explained to be an error in the way the tennis ball was shown on the graphical display as a circle, rather than as an ellipse. This was immediately corrected.
    Hawk-Eye has been used in television coverage of several major tennis tournaments, including Wimbledon, the Queen’s Club Championships, the Australian Open, the Davis Cup and the Tennis Masters Cup. The US Open Tennis Championship announced they would make official use of the technology for the 2006 US Open where each player receives two challenges per set. It is also used as part of a larger tennis simulation implemented by IBM called PointTracker.
    The 2006 Hopman Cup in Perth, Western Australia, was the first elite-level tennis tournament where players were allowed to challenge point-ending line calls, which were then reviewed by the referees using Hawk-Eye technology. It used 10 cameras feeding information about ball position to the computers. Jamea Jackson was the first player to challenge a call using the system.
    In March 2006, at the Nasdaq-100 Open in Miami, Hawk-Eye was used officially for the first time at a tennis tour event. Later that year, the US Open became the first grand-slam event to use the system during play, allowing players to challenge line calls.
    The 2007 Australian Open was the first grand-slam tournament of 2007 to implement Hawk-Eye in challenges to line calls, where each tennis player in Rod Laver Arena was allowed two incorrect challenges per set and one additional challenge should a tiebreaker be played. In the event of an advantage final set, challenges were reset to two for each player every 12 games, i.e. 6 all, 12 all. Controversies followed the event as at times Hawk-Eye produced erroneous output. In 2008, tennis players were allowed three incorrect challenges per set instead. Any leftover challenges did not carry over to the next set. Once, Amlie Mauresmo challenged a ball that was called in, and Hawk-Eye showed the ball was out by less than a millimeter, but the call was allowed to stand. As a result, the point was replayed and Mauresmo did not lose an incorrect challenge.
    The Hawk-Eye technology used in the 2007 Dubai Tennis Championships had some minor controversies. Defending champion Rafael Nadal accused the system of incorrectly declaring an out ball to be in following his exit. The umpire had called a ball out; when Mikhail Youzhny challenged the decision, Hawk-Eye said it was in by 3 mm. Youzhny said after that he himself thought the mark may have been wide but then offered that this kind of technology error could easily have been made by linesmen and umpires. Nadal could only shrug, saying that had this system been on clay, the mark would have clearly shown Hawk-Eye to be wrong. the area of the mark left by the ball on hard court is a portion of the total area that the ball was in contact with the court (a certain amount of pressure is required to create the mark)
    The 2007 Wimbledon Championships also implemented the Hawk-Eye system as an officiating aid on Centre Court and Court 1, and each tennis player was allowed three incorrect challenges per set. If the set produced a tiebreaker, each player was given an additional challenge. Additionally, in the event of a final set (third set in women’s or mixed matches, fifth set in men’s matches), where there is no tiebreak, each player’s number of challenges was reset to three if the game score reached 6?6, and again at 12?12. Teymuraz Gabashvili, in his first-round match against Roger Federer, made the first ever Hawk-Eye challenge on Centre Court. Additionally, during the finals of Federer against Rafael Nadal, Nadal challenged a shot which was called out. Hawk-Eye showed the ball as in, just clipping the line. The reversal agitated Federer enough for him to request (unsuccessfully) that the umpire turns off the Hawk-Eye technology for the remainder of the match.
    In the 2009 Australian Open fourth round match between Roger Federer and Tom Berdych, Berdych challenged an out call. The Hawk-Eye system was not available when he challenged, likely due to a particularly pronounced shadow on the court. As a result, the original call stood.
    In the 2009 Indian Wells Masters quarterfinals match between Iva Ljubii and Andy Murray, Murray challenged an out call. The Hawk-Eye system indicated that the ball landed in the center of the line despite instant replay images showing that the ball was clearly out. It was later revealed that the Hawk-Eye system had mistakenly picked up the second bounce, which was on the line, instead of the first bounce of the ball. Immediately after the match, Murray apologized to Ljubicic for the call and acknowledged that the point was out.
    The Hawk-Eye system was developed as a replay system, originally for TV broadcast coverage. As such, it initially could not call-ins and outs live.
    The Hawk-Eye Innovations website states that the system performs with an average error of 3.6 mm. The standard diameter of a tennis ball is 67 mm, equating to a 5% error relative to ball diameter. This is roughly equivalent to the fluff on the ball.
    Currently, only clay court tournaments, notably the French Open is the only Grand Slam, are found to be generally free of Hawk-Eye technology due to marks left on the clay where the ball bounced to evidence a disputed line call. Chair umpires are then required to get out of their seat and examine the mark on the court with the player by his side to discuss the chair umpire’s decision.

Unification of Rules

Until March 2008, the International Tennis Federation (ITF), Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP), Women’s Tennis Association (WTA), Grand Slam Committee, and several individual tournaments had conflicting rules on how Hawk-Eye was to be utilized. A key example of this was the number of challenges a player was permitted per set, which varied among events. Some tournaments allowed players a greater margin for error, with players allowed an unlimited number of challenges over the course of a match. In other tournaments, players received two or three per set. On 19 March 2008, the aforementioned organizing bodies announced a uniform system of rules: three unsuccessful challenges per set, with an additional challenge if the set reaches a tiebreak. In an advantage set (a set with no tiebreak) players are allowed three unsuccessful challenges every 12 games. The next scheduled event on the men and women’s tour, the 2008 Sony Ericsson Open, was the first event to implement these new, standardized rules.

    1. Association football
      Hawk-Eye is one of the goal-line technology (GLT) systems authorized by FIFA. Hawk-Eye tracks the ball and informs the referee if a ball fully crosses the goal line into the goal. The purpose of the system is to eliminate errors in assessing if a goal was scored. The Hawk-Eye system was one of the systems trialed by the sport’s governors prior to the 2012 change to the Laws of the Game that made GLT a permanent part of the game, and it has been used in various competitions since then. GLT is not compulsory and, owing to the cost of Hawk-Eye and its competitors, systems are only deployed in a few high-level competitions.
      As of July 2017, licensed Hawk-Eye systems are installed at 96 stadiums. By the number of installations, Hawk-Eye is the most popular GLT system.Hawk-Eye is the system used in the Premier League, Bundesliga among other leagues.
    2. Snooker
      At the 2007 World Snooker Championship, the BBC used Hawk-Eye for the first time in its television coverage to show player views, particularly of potential snooker. It has also been used to demonstrate intended shots by players when the actual shot has gone awry. It is now used by the BBC at every World Championship, as well as some other major tournaments. The BBC used to use the system sporadically, for instance in the 2009 Masters at Wembley the Hawk-Eye was at most used once or twice per frame. Its usage has decreased significantly and is now only used within the World Championships and very rarely in any other tournament on the snooker tour. In contrast to tennis, Hawk-Eye is never used in snooker to assist referees’ decisions and primarily used to assist viewers in showing what the player is facing.
    3. Gaelic games
      In Ireland, Hawk-Eye was introduced for all Championship matches at Croke Park in Dublin in 2013. This followed consideration by the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) for its use in Gaelic football and hurling. A trial took place in Croke Park on 2 April 2011. The doubleheader featured football between Dublin and Down and hurling between Dublin and Kilkenny. Over the previous two seasons, there had been many calls for the technology to be adopted, especially from Kildare fans, who saw two high-profile decisions go against their team in important games. The GAA said it would review the issue after the 2013 Sam Maguire Cup was presented.
      Hawk-Eye’s use was intended to eliminate contentious scores. It was first used in the Championship on Saturday 1 June 2013 for the Kildare versus Offaly game, part of a doubleheader with the second game of Dublin versus Westmeath. It was used to confirm that Offaly substitute Peter Cunningham’s attempted point had gone wide 10 minutes into the second half.

Use of Hawk-Eye was suspended during the 2013 All-Ireland hurling semi-finals on 18 August due to a human error during an Under-18 hurling game between Limerick and Galway. During the minor game, Hawk-Eye ruled a point for Limerick as a miss although the graphic showed the ball passing inside the posts, causing confusion around the stadium – the referee ultimately waved the valid point wide provoking anger from fans, viewers and TV analysts covering the game live. The system was subsequently stood down for the senior game which followed, owing to “an inconsistency in the generation of a graphic”. Limerick, who was narrowly defeated after extra-time, announced they would be appealing over Hawk-Eye’s costly failure. Hawk-Eye apologized for this incident and admitted that it was a result of human error. There have been no further incidents during the GAA. The incident drew attention from the UK, where Hawk-Eye had made its debut in English football’s Premier League the day before.
Hawk-Eye was introduced to a second venue, Semple Stadium, Thurles, in 2016. There is no TV screen at Semple: instead, an electronic screen displays a green T if a score has been made, and a red Nl if the shot is wide.
It was used at a third venue, Pirc U Chaoimh, Cork, in July 2017, for the All-Ireland hurling quarter-finals between Clare versus Tipperary and Wexford versus Waterford.

  1. Australian football
    On 4 July 2013, the Australian Football League announced that they would be testing Hawk-Eye technology to be used in the Score Review process. Hawk-Eye was used for all matches played at the MCG during Round 15 of the 2013 AFL Season. The AFL also announced that Hawk-Eye was only being tested, and would not be used in any Score Reviews during the round.
  2. Badminton
    BWF introduced Hawk-Eye technology in 2014 after testing other instant review technologies for line call decision in BWF major events. Hawk-Eye’s tracking cameras are also used to provide shuttlecock speed and other insight in badminton matches. Hawk-Eye has formally introduced in 2014 India Super Series tournament.

Parasitic Computing

By Author – Samata Shelare


It is a generalized problem format into which more specific tasks can be mapped, this opens up the possibility of using the communication protocols provided by Internet hosts as a massive distributed computer. Whats more, the computers that participate in the endeavor are unwitting participants?from their perspective, they are merely responding (or not) to TCP traffic. Parasitic computing is especially interesting because the exploit doesnt compromise the security of the affected computers, it piggybacks a math problem onto the TCP checksum work which TCP enabled hosts to carry out under routine operating conditions.
Parasitic Computing Described:
TCP checksums are normally used to ensure data corruption hasnt occurred somewhere along a packets journey from one computer to another along what is usually a multi-hop route across the Internet. The transmitting computer adds a two-byte checksum field to the TCP header which is a function of the routing information and the data payload of the packet. The idea is that if corruption occurs in the transport or physical layers, the receiving computer will detect this because the presented checksum no longer corresponds with the data received.
Parasitic computing on TCP checksums maps a new problem set onto the TCP checksum function. In the particular instance discussed in BFJB, the technique is to compute a checksum which corresponds to an answer set for a particular boolean satisfiability problem and then to send out packets with data payloads which are potential solutions to that problem. Receiving computers will attempt to validate the checksum against the data payload, effectively checking the solution they were offered the problem under consideration. If the checksum validates, properly configured hosts will reply, and the parasitic computer knows that a solution to the problem has been found. The value of this model is that problems for which there is no known efficient algorithm can be solved by brute-force through parallelization to many hosts.
Schematic illustration of Parasitic Computing from BFJB. Our experiment implemented a modified version of the Parasitic Computing idea: we didnt rely on the HTTP layer as shown in the drawing. We modified the SYN request packet and listened for an SYN-ACK response. Using the handshake step avoids the overhead of establishing the connection beforehand, but may have introduced the false positives we discuss below.
The TCP checksum function breaks the information it checks into 16-bit words and then sums them. Whenever the sum gets larger than 0xffff, the additional column is carried back around (so 0xffff + 0x0001 = 0x0001). The 1s complement of this sum is written down as the checksum. The trick presented in BFJB is to take advantage of the correlation between a numeric sum and a boolean operation: if a and b are bits, and summing results in 2, then upon treatment as booleans a b is TRUE; similarly, if summing a + band results in a 1, then a ? b is TRUE. BFJB provides the truth table showing the relationship between these two boolean operators and the mathematical sum. This is the basis of mapping boolean satisfiability into the TCP checksum space.
In more detail, a boolean satisfiability problem asks whether an assignment of truth-values exists which will allow a given formula to evaluate to TRUE. Typically, these formulae are presented in conjunctive normal form (an AND of ORs). However, the problem exemplified in BFJB allows either ? or to appear in a clause (aside: its noteworthy that is derivable from ? and : [a b] = [a ? b] ? [a b], but more on this below). The example in BFJB is built from the specific case where there are 16 unique variables and 8 clauses.
The first step, then, in finding a solution to this problem parasitically is to calculate a checksum which is in correspondence with an assignment which solves the problem. To do this, BFJB takes each of the 8 clauses in some order and generate a checksum based on the operator involved: for every , write down 10, and for every ?, we write down 01. Then, a checksum is created by taking the 1s complement. This value is the magic checksum which corresponds to a solution to our problem.

After that packets with variable assignments as data payloads can be generated and sent to TCP enabled hosts on the Internet. Each variable is padded with a 0 and then column-aligned with its clause operator according to the ordering used for the checksum creation. The padding is crucial because it is what allows a pair of variables with the operator to sum to 10, without overflowing into the column to the left.
For example, under the assignment where x1 = 1 and x2 = 1 and x3 = 1 and x4 = 0 and x15 = 0 and x16 = 1 we generate two 16 bit words with padding and the operands lined up in columns.
This packet is then sent to a network host which will evaluate the checksum against the data. Because TCP_CHECKSUM(data) = magic checksum only when the data solves our problem, only those hosts which received a good solution will reply. Each logically possible assignment is generated as a packet payload and sent to a TCP enabled host for evaluation and in this way we have the Internet as a parallel distributed computing for finding solutions to our boolean formulae!
Unfortunately, this relatively high-level description leaves a fair bit of implementation detail to the reader and so we set out to fill in the gaps in order to reproduce the reported results.

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