
Information Technology and INDIA

Some of the good Software companies headquarted at Central India defining new benchmarks on Software industry .One among them is Jain Software ,headquarted at Raipur .Jain Software providing premium Software ,App & Website Development at minimal cost starting from INR 4999.


India, a country with oldest civilization and diverse social and cultural structure is an emerging IT hub of the world.

The Indian technocrats and its technology is valued and demanded globally. Countries which are pioneers of the IT are dependent and demand Indian IT professionals. The skill set, learning capability, adaptability and understanding that Indian workers have is what the top tech giants are looking for. SUNDAR PICHAI(GOOGLE), SATYA NADELA(MICROSOFT), SHANTANU NARAYEN
(ADOBE) and many more are the Indians leading the world IT industry.
However, India inspite of being the factory of IT masters is not the top shop for IT. Following may be the possible reasons behind it:
• Lack of awareness
• Unwillingness of government and administration towards IT education
• Lack of R&D
• Economic condition and lack of opportunity.
The good news is that India is gradually realizing the need of IT and is practicing the same. India in its recent years has invested a lot in IT and its development. Government has taken numerous steps towards the skill development and digital integration.
In one hand where big Indian IT companies like TCS, INFOSYS, HCL etc are making a mark in global IT market small scale industries and startups are also emerging as good players. Paytm, hike, freecharge etc have made an impact in Indian IT industry.
Some Indian companies like Jain Software developers which is central India’s prominent IT company has formulated a completely new and advanced methodology of web development providing a wide range of web products starting from ₹4999 so that technology can reach to the economically bound section of the society as well and can help them grow.


The Story of Sohil Jain – CEO ,Jain Software Foundation

The smart work is not only limited to achieving success but it should have the deep depth to inspire others to go through their fears by practice and perform as such all the odds will turn out to be even.

After studying from IIT Bombay I was always fascinated to know about technologies and innovations. In my college life, I have also made several innovative projects and have experience in IT innovation. The journey from a google employee to an entrepreneur was so inspiring and self-motivating that made me stable to start up and move on in the generous way I always wished to do.
Official Website :
The work on every project builds the whole journey from an ex-google employee to the young successful entrepreneur. The learning process never ends, from the initiating point to the process of setting up an organization and the same to grow and to be maintained. Meanwhile to hold a team together as a leader is an elusive task to achieve. The work we did and received gratifications for the same was the power bank for the progress we did. The span of time we were nominated for Energizing  Bharat Award has filled us with positivity to enhance our work skills and to move further to attain a place where along with growing businesses we can also give our hands for the social cause.
Prerna and Nayi Dishayien these two android applications are great and awe-inspiring as well as helping people in their problems. Prernaconnects the schools of the region in different blocks, district, and panchayat levels so that the problems can be reached to the higher authorities and can be resolved in time. on the other hand, Nayi Dishayien promotes the education policy to youth those are preparing for UPSC, PSC and various government exams by video lectures etc. free registration and use of the application makes them user-friendly.
Working with the projects, when I received the honor to be the chief guest in the entrepreneurship awareness drive, I found the new flakes of information was a really good experience, the vision also shifted towards the most advanced way of creating things and inspiring people. in the inauguration function of AVARTAN 2016(biggest technical fest of Central India, organized by NIT Raipur my overall experiences got refreshed as the flashback of the past projects in colleges. These glimpse of the innovative projects made me think to provide a means to the students to get connected to the world through websites and software that will act as a showcase for the interesting work with technologies they have done or are planning to do. The concept of INR 4999 and Campaign 999 shows the sincere efforts our organization wants to do for encouraging startups and businesses. The services we offer has also proved to be a revolution in Cybersecurity, by providing antivirus like avast in low rates helped the clients and user to protect and secure their work from malware.
As it is said the hard work pays off, the amount of devotion and dedication we put into our projects was succeeded and we were overwhelmed by the honor as “JAIN SOFTWARE” – “Central India’s Fastest Growing Software Company”, received from CM of C.G Shri Raman Singh Ji. from those outcomes in life I have learned things like “The more perspectives and the work experience you expose yourself to, the more rounded your eventual business will become after all we are the tiny flake of dust in this universe. To be a successful businessman always deliver more than the expectation of the clients.
Sohil Jain


In a world were use of smart phones are increasingly day by day, new features are a need. As some phones are struggling to excite us anymore. Phones need something to satisfy this need, and this technology easily satisfies that need.

  • Our eyes come in a set of two, so why not digital camera on a smart-phone. There are several notable benefits in having two cameras.


Corephotonics : A technology that will change smart phone imaging is capable of performing optical zoom upto 5 times without any moving parts. The big trick in Corephotonics use of 2 lenses with different focal length, one is wide angle, other is 3x zoom. It means you can switch lenses to magnify objects without resorting to digital zoom.


  • The magic happens when the images from two lens, one is fixed focus telephoto ( a lens with a longer focal length than standard). With a narrow field of view and a normal wide angle combined together via algorithms into a single image.


  • In a world where use of smart phones are increasingly day by day, new features are a need. As some phones are struggling to excite us anymore. Phones need something to satisfy this need, and this technology easily satisfies that need. Dual camera technology will embrace the image quality and user experience of mobile imaging.


  • Huawei and its subsidiary honor both are approaching the dual lens setup to improve focus. This year Iphone 7s, LG & Huawei technologies have led their way with new android flagships and claims its offers in noise reduction in low light, sharpness. Iphone 7s dual camera posses the dual shooter path plus 12 megapixel sensor behind its 28mm wide angle lens. This are optically stabilized which minimizes the blurriness of photos


  • In my experience with honor 8 and P9, i found that it comes with laser-assisted autofocus mechanism & provides an excellent results in picture quality and color reproduction even in an ample light.


  • The downside is that despite the aid of huawei image processor, the process takes a second or two to complete. As both P9 and honor lack optical image stabilization, when there is less than sufficient light the process may results in blurry photos.


  • However we know for sure that the dual lens is the smartphone camera setup for future.




Jasleen kaur

– Jain Software Foundation .








How much Resolution or DPI , Really?

A few scanning tips by Jain Software Foundation

What scanning resolution should we really use?

The scanner can only scan each horizontal scan line at its optical resolution, like 600 dpi or 1200 dpi, however the scanner is rated. To achieve our desired final size, say 175 dpi, this image must be resampled, from say 1200 dpi to 175 dpi.

How to best do this?

  • Some people claim that we should scan at full optical resolution and resample to the smaller desired size in an external program that is very good at doing it, like Adobe Photoshop.
  • Others claim that we can scan at less than full optical resolution, but that we should ONLY scan at values of full optical resolution divided by integers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.).   So for a 300 dpi scanner, we should scan only at 300 or 150 or 100 or 75 or 60 or 50 dpi instead of “odd” fractional values like 80 or 120 dpi. A 600 dpi scanner offers more choices: 600, 300, 200, 150, 120, 100, 75, 60, 50 or 40 dpi. We should scan at the next higher integer value, and then resample the image down to the desired size in a good external program.
  • And some say scan at the desired size and let the scanner resample it.

The issue is “Which is better at resampling, the scanner or the graphics software?”

Which scanner?   Which software?

I resisted the notion of resampling after the scan for a long time.   The photo editor I was using then didn’t resample very well (I later learned), and I favored the last choice, because the results scanning at 110 dpi always seemed to be as good or better than resampling.

However, I recant my opinion now, there is ample evidence that there are indeed differences sometimes, and you should be aware of it. For some critical images, it certainly might make a difference. In your archived master copy images, you may want to eliminate all effects of the scanner’s resampling.

Experimentation is always key. Results can vary. It’s likely that Photoshop resamples better than the scanner firmware. But Photoshop costs $550, and not everyone has Photoshop. Certainly most of us do not need to pay that much, there are several fine image programs available for under $100. But they do vary, and it is possible the scanner resamples better than some lesser programs, giving opposing results for some.

Let me show you some samples… Some large ones, so it will be clear. These first two were scanned at 150 and 175 dpi. Similar in size, but 150 is an integer divisor, and 175 is not. Frankly, 175 dpi seems to be about worst case. All images had the same USM sharpening treatment. The first two images are not dependent on image programs, but the third will be affected by choice of software.




The flower’s petal edges in the larger 175 dpi scan are not straight and sharp, an effect that is not seen in the 150 dpi scan. It is most visible on angled edges that are neither horizontal nor vertical. It is perceived as a sharpness issue, but it is more due to pixel jaggies than to sharpness. All images had the same USM sharpening. If you have a 1024×768 screen or more, you can widen your browser to full screen so the first two images are side by side. Or you can narrow your browser window so the images are one above the other, then you can quickly switch back and forth between them with one scroll click.

150c    175c



300 dpi scan (maximum optical on the 300 dpi E3 scanner used), resampled to 175 dpi in Photoshop. This image is in fact better than the 175 dpi scan, as is also the 150 dpi scan. It is not better than the 150 dpi, except that it is larger, important if that is the requirement.

So there you are. The way I view the results is that the scanned 175 dpi image is not as good as either of the other two. You will have to experiment for yourself and see if you find advantage one way or the other in your situation.

At least we can be aware of the iss

Website upgrade

Computer Technology and internet is changing rapidly, one technology becomes obsolete after a week ago. In this changing environment websites developed prior with existing technology needs to be upgraded in a timely fashion to meet current industry needs. WWW is getting more complex and distributed this requires a website to be adoptive in nature so that it can easily adopt new changes and features of arriving technologies.

Existing websites are made with the current technologies made available at that time. Sooner or later these technologies requires upgrades to adopt current industry and computing needs. If they fail to adopt themselves software or websites made with those technologies also suffers the aging problem and become obsolete. So there remains a constant need of of upgrade in technology


Why Jain Software Developers ? It requires years of experience to choose whether to upgrade or not, when to upgrade, how much upgrade. We have experience and expertise of such grade that we can work with almost every technology made available in current market. Our strategic problem solving tech team can take your old website and transform it into a marvel with current industry need. Wait its not finish at just upgrade we constantly watch and observe the changes and performance of website. Based on this analysis we imply further improvements on websites.

Legal Support on Digital Issues

Our valuable services includes Legal advisory or providing support on cyber law related issues. Internet is not free from crime. In fact it is becoming hub for major threats in the world. Everyday hundreds of cases can be seen where IT is involved directly or indirectly. Jain Software helps you on 70+ digitalissues like domain hijacking, Patent claims, privacy and data breach lawsuits. We help you achieve your business goals by enabling you to focus on core functions, rather than wasting valuable time on non-core and people-Time intensive processes. In Cases where there are no precedents in India and Abroad or in cases where more than one law comes into the picture or where extreme new technology is involved with regards to IT, Copyright, Trademark or any such technical aspects of Law or any other aspects where an opinion can change the course of the case or matter in question our & Industry standard certified professionals along with renewed people in IT & Legal Fraternity.


  • Legal Consulting

We offers an unconventional process outsourcing experience, powered by a

Combination of domain expertise, process skills, superior technology and Legal understanding.

  • Domain Name Dispute

Domain name disputes arise largely from the practice of intentional cybersquatting or unintentional usage of domain names, which involves the pre-emptive registration of trademarks by third parties as domain names. We helps you to resolve domain disputes via arbitration, representation before WIPO/ UDRP. Litigation as to conflicts arising from trademarks or copyrights are also dealt with in the interest of clients. We also help in managing various domains belonging to group companies internationally.

  • Network Deployment

We provides expert, hands-on consulting to implement the next generation of voice and data networks with the speed and efficiency demanded by today’s light-speed economy. Experience in project planning, project management and execution of telecommunication networks to the table to focus on your technical challenges and business goals.

  • Legal Documents for Startup Companies

We can provide well-drafted good Quality Agreements, Templates, documents for Registration, to your precise case and situation requirements. We can provide all the Drafts in English, Hindi, Marathi & Gujarati, etc. according to the need of our client.

  1. Partnership Agreement
  2. Franchising Agreement
  3. Distributor Agreement
  4. Joint venture Agreement

Website Optimization

Is your website running slow or not loading from some location ? We’re here to help .Jain Software have specialized optimization team which can optimize your website into highest level .Jain Software will perform 59+ optimization tests including website speed,responsiveness,meta tags ,meta descriptions ,social presence ,backlinks,quality links,site references,etc.

Having a good website isn’t enough nowadays. Performance of a website is also important as well as design aspect. Computer technologies are changing rapidly in size and complexity. One need a complete web solution with better and futuristic design along with optimum performance.

At Jain Software Developers we truly understand a company’s business needs and choose best solutions that fits best for them. We make the things straight for the pitch. We have developed a testing strategy for every website. With the help of this complex algorithmic and analytical observation process we determine the key points of any website to be optimized for optimal performance. Our optimization services includes:

  • Website analysis `

We analyze existing systems with our testing benchmarks and prepare a comprehensive draft of modules and systems that require optimization.

  • Code optimizations `

According to annual summit of Facebook the number of codes in the Facebook is four times larger than the core of its code. These unmanaged or sometimes say unnecessary code requires to be optimized. Because it can cause security breach or can slower the performance of Website. We imply our strategic approach to reduce the number of codes and unnecessary lines of codes, to speed up websites.

  • UI and UX optimizations `

As times passes user demand UI improvements and better navigations to interact. We thoroughly analyze existing website’s user interface and layout and make it perfect for current market needs with better and improved UI designs.

  • Speed and performance optimizations

To deliver best customer experience a website needs to serve faster without compromising design aspects. We use cutting edge tools to optimize websites so that your website load faster.

  • Server and resource optimizations

Sometimes it requires server resources to be update or optimize. Website performance depends on various elements one of them is server in which it is hosted, software installed on server.

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