Official Blog

The Social App Project by Jain Software Raipur



Application Requirement Specification





Prepared by

Sohil Jain

AppleOfficer Inc

Jain Software Foundation

  1. Introduction

This document is prepared in order to determine an Application requirement specification for The Social App. The Social App is a social network on which people can add their friends, share videos and photos, send and receive messages, comment on the links etc. In order to gain an overview of the report, firstly, the purpose and scope of this document will be given, the overall description of the Network App is followed. In addition to these, system features such as uploading a photo, sharing video, adding friend etc. are described deeply. After mentioning about the introduction of the system, the specific requirements will be addressed for it. In the final part, functional and non-functional requirements will be addressed.

  1. Purpose

The SRS is needed to evolve as the development of the Application product processes. The purpose of this document is to give a complete description of how The Social App system can be developed. This document is to provide information about what the software product is to do to users and establish an agreement between them. In addition to these, it provides a basis for validation and verification. The issues which are basically addressed are functions such as adding friends, uploading photos, adding videos, chatting, ratings, timeline and tagging, external interfaces, creating groups and the design constraints of the system.

  1. Scope

The name of the product is The Social App. It is a social network that connects people. The aim of App is to provide information to the users about the events and the people whom they know. The users can add friends, share videos which they want their friends to watch; upload photos, comment on their friends’ sharing, chatting with their friends. Moreover, people can create social groups or communities for such as university clubs, football clubs or for social awareness. People can be informed about the events with the help of these groups or their friends.


When the user logins The Social App, they can see their home page, which is named as “Explore” that provide users to see what their friends share, what their friends write their status and other public videos uploaded by the users.

  1. Overall Description

In this section, background information about what type of requirements the system should have will be provided briefly.

  1. Product Perspective

The The Social App is an independent and world-wide social network Application. Every person can use it online without a fee. People from different regions of the world can connect to it and exchange information with other people. In order to control the contents of the sharing and comments done by the other people, the app has also a control mechanism. People can deliver their complaints about any part of the application to the “Administrators”. Then, “Administrators” might take appropriate actions according to the complained situation which is against the rules.

  1. Product Function

After creating an account and starting to use the App, the first thing he or she sees is the “Explore” that has posts from the users and suggestions of the pages they can like. The user will go to his profile and add the required details such as the profile and timeline picture. The user will search people by their names and can send an invitation to them to add as a friend or directly send a message. If the person accepts the invitation, these two persons become friends and can interact more closely such as sending messages to each other, like each other’s posts, can comment on posts. Any user can share his/her status like whatever he is thinking, wherever he is or his current mode. Friends of this person can make a comment on that. Furthermore, if a user shares a photo, video, link or anything, any friend of that user can share that shared item also. Users can upload photo and video to their profiles.

  1. User Characteristics

The Social App does not require any specific computer knowledge to use it except developers and administrators of it. Standard users are thought to be from any age, any gender and from any nationality who can use just computer’s browser. On the other hand, administrators and potential developers need a high level of expertise to understand web technologies.

  1. Constraints

Being a social network website, the software should ensure the safety of information given by the user and provide some privacy settings options to the user. Firstly, the app provides people the right to choose the category of people who will be able to view their shared items, to allow comments on their shared items, allow comments on gallery items, whether they want to share their information with others, to allow show their friends list or the gallery. Some users may not desire the access of some people to their shared items and information. Users can set their privacy settings to prevent some people’s access to their information or any field if they want to. Secondly, It cannot sell the private information of users to someone else. However, if the user permits, an application can access to some information of the user.

  1. Specific Requirements

In this section, all software requirements will be explained in detail. All requirements are divided into two groups as functional and non-functional.

  1. External Interface Requirements

In this section, external interface requirements for user and communication channels will be described in order to clarify the relationship of this software with other entities and systems.

In the first part, user’s interfaces will be explained with the layout information, textual items and error handling types for two types of users of the system, as standard users and administrators. In the second part, communication interfaces of our system will be described in order to explain the relationship with other systems which are sharing information with the app.

  1. User Interfaces

Standard users shall be downloading it from the play store. It has a login page and users must log in with their e-mail addresses and passwords. After a successful login, they shall be taken to their “Explore” which is their homepage thereafter. Since they are logged into the system, there must be a log out button and their profile names at the top of the page until they log out of the system.



  • Standard User Interface

Being a social network, a direct link to the list of “Friends” shall be listed in the “Hamburger” menu, located at the left top, “Settings” include “Logout” and “Accountant Privacy Settings”. At the top, there shall be “Explore”. “Search” field which lets users search for their friends and posts.  All other features of the system shall be reachable by the menu as a left sidebar such as Explore, News, Profile, Notifications, Messages, Friends, Nearby, Favorites, Search and settings. “Creating Event” which is related to “Events” feature, shall be reachable from the related features menu.


Since standard users can use different types of features, there shall be different interfaces for each of them and they will be described separately:

  1. Sign Up

Sign up to use the app and to make sure the user is an authenticated user. Fill out all the details properly to be a verified user and able to use the app.

  • Confirm button makes sure you think twice before agreeing to the terms and conditions of the
  • Referral user Id is replaced with phone number field that is optional for the user.
  • User id is a unique and is mandatory for every user to enter during sign up.













  1. Sign In

Enter user id/email id and password to access the app from anywhere and anytime. The credentials are same, entered during the sign up. You can’t login without your user id and password.



  1. Home page (Feed)

Home is the first thing you see after logging into your account where you see the posts posted by the users, likes, comments etc. Home and Video pages are in tabbed view. Swipe right to left to switch to video tab. Home page has your profile picture and timeline picture as well. Both will be visible in every page whether it is your home, profile or any other page. It is also same when any one messages to their friends.

A user is suggested or displayed by its user id instead of his real name or any other information.


  1. Post

A user can post anything. A post can be an audio, video, image or simple text.

  1. Like button is different from the regular like buttons.
  2. Share button is different from the regular share buttons.
  3. Five star ratings are only for the videos.
  4. Counter timer is added with every post that counts down from 24 hour to zero.
  5. Post owner can see the list of activities (likes + comments + share) on his post.
  6. Three vertical dots on the top right corner of the post provide options share and delete.











  1. Video
  2. A video is played on a single click.
  3. After watching a video users can rate it out of five stars. Rating is only for the video and not for the other media.
  4. Owner of the post can see the list of users who have liked or viewed their post.
  5. When clicked on comments only comments posted by users are posted without the media.
  6. Video has a view button that shows that list of people who have viewed the post.
  7. Video page is the streaming page. Streaming page only displays pages that are public to the users.
  8. Friends Page

Friend’s page has 4 tabs

  1. Friends
  3. Following
  4. Groups (communities)
  5. Pages
  6. Chat page: It hast two tabs one displaying the chats with friends and other tab displaying the list of chats with business people.


  1. Search page: Users’ suggestion below search is not displayed.

Search results are displayed in two categories

  • People
  • Postings
  1. Settings page: Remove the allow comments from settings page.

Remove gifts and private messages from push notifications.

Remove referrals.

General settings lets you edit name, DOB, contact number and user id.

  1. Postings page: User can select multiple images to post but only single video at a time.
  2. A video with maximum length of 1.10 seconds and minimum of 30 seconds is allowed.
  3. Preview of the selected item is also available in a good quality.
  4. Add camera recording option.
  5. Add an option to make comments as public, private or no comments at all.
  6. Talent tag field: Create a talent tag to add talents into user’s talent list

Talent tag fields


  • Painting
  • Embroidery work
  • Photography
  • Story writer
  • Poetry
  • Art
  • Handloom
  • Designer
  • Paper Art
  • Cryptography
  • Tattoo


  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Movie
  • Acting

Status has maximum limit of 250 words. And the preview of the selected media is large.

  1. Profile page: The timeline pic is vertical rectangular pic. The profile pic is a 6 cone star pic and is overlapping with rectangular pic in the background. The same page has Social ratings and talent ratings.
  2. Navigation

All pages are shown in floating action button. On every page it is displayed and different icons represent different pages. The FAB always remains on the screen and background becomes blurry when clicked on it. The icons open in vertical and horizontal both the directions and it closes when clicked anywhere else on the screen.


FAB Style Sample


Page refreshes when clicked and hold for 3 seconds.

Change background button colors.

  1. Banner

Ad banner is on the top of the every page with dimensions 320×75.


  1. Functional Requirements:
  2. The system shall check whether the administrator chooses at least one action.
  3. The system shall not let administrators take actions to the complaints that are completed.
  4. Nonfunctional Requirements

Performance Requirements:

The system shall be available from all over the world at all times. Being a social network, any interruption in the sharing chain will cause people to give up on App, therefore it is essential that the system shall be available at all times. The system shall not be affected by the number of active users in the system until half of the registered users become active. Being a worldwide network, assuming that half of the registered users are reaching to the App is a legitimate and necessary requirement.

  • Design Requirements

Design of the system shall arrange the content size as compatible with different platforms, such as mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers. Since App is based on sharing with friends, the design of the system shall let the high level of mobile access. Design of the system shall let different languages to be shown without affecting the general layout and operations. Being a worldwide network, different language sets shall be able to show as the main language of the website without creating any obstacles on the operations.










How to get a better rank for a website in search engine?


seo single page websites 760x400The first page of Google receives 95 percent of web traffic, with subsequent pages receiving 5 percent or less of total traffic.

I’ve got the reference to a lot of business owners and managers – newbies and veterans – who have gone crazy trying to unlock the secrets of how to improve Google ranking and performance without incurring penalties. We should know what we usually do and what we don’t…

I wish I could have any magic button that can help you to rank your website #1st Rank without fail. Unfortunately, there is no such trick. It takes resourcefulness, dedication, persistence, and creativity. This is especially true because of the constantly-changing nature of Google’s algorithm.

I have learned this the hard way. You should learn how to optimize for both humans and search algorithm crawlers, and to master on-page and off-page SEO.

You must know where you stand now. Then only you can work on improvement. Explore the vast opportunities to get #better rank.

want45513 1uhpwF1481319695Understand the Google ranking algorithm

Google is constantly changing their algorithm, even though most of these changes aren’t publicly announced or described.

While on the other hand, Google does make major update announcements, the exact inner workings of the algorithm are unknown (and a bit mysterious) to the general public. A good majority of information out there is just speculation from industry professionals.

So we can understand that site changing search algorithms as their biggest obstacle to SEO success.

What we do now?

“Google has a mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

Let’s understand the updates of the Google first

Mobile-friendly update (April 2015) – It is focused on favoring websites with mobile-friendly versions and setting the stage for future penalties if sites don’t comply.

Pigeon (July 2014) – Working to integrate local search results like Google Maps.

Hummingbird (August 2013) – Aiming to understand the context and intent behind a user’s search instead of just looking at the literal words they typed.

Penguin (April 2012) – In this update Google has Targeted spammers and sites that buy unnatural links to boost their rankings.

Not to mention Panda, Google EMDs (exact match domain names), and the Private Blog Network (PBN) DE indexing updates. Then there’s Phantom, which first appeared in May 2013 and is believed to have been updated four times – but has never actually been confirmed by Google.

So by going through this updates, we have an understanding of what are the changes in Google we can optimize our content such as videos, blogs or website. The basic criteria are to understand the protocols of the search engine.

seo smm small businessUnderstand the importance of keyword

Keywords play a vital role in the SEO if a blog or website. Keyword metadata is rarely if ever used to tabulate search engine rankings. However, you should already know your keyword phrases, so it doesn’t hurt to add them into your keyword metadata. You’ll want to include a variety of phrases. As a general rule, try to keep it to about 6-8 phrases with each phrase consisting of 1-4 words.

How the Title important?

Title metadata is responsible for the page titles displayed at the top of a browser window and as the headline within search engine results. It is the most important metadata on your page. For those with a CMS website, the web team has developed an automated system for creating the meta-title for each webpage. The title gives the overview of the content.

What is Meta description?

Description metadata is the textual description that a browser will use in your page search return. Think of it as your site’s window display—a concise and appealing description of what is contained within, with the goal of encouraging people to enter. A good meta-description will typically contain two full sentences.

Keep updating your content

Regularly updated content is viewed as one of the best indicators of a site’s relevancy, so be sure to keep it fresh. Keep your content updated and share it.

SEO 2016Content should be relevant

The content should be relevant to the business. Quality content is the number one driver of your search engine rankings and there is no substitute for great content. Quality content created specifically for your intended user increases site traffic, which improves your site’s authority and relevance.

Hope the information will be helpful. I will do appreciate your feedback.

Online Marketing mistakes one should know


DatabaseImageCreating a welcoming website is one of the first things that a business needs to look at when it comes to improving its online presence. One should see it as their own home or real-estate on the web. Just like any home, an effective website is clean, neat, organized and a place everyone wants to come and hang out for a while. Today I want to talk through some of the most common missteps we see brands making in their online marketing so you can evaluate your own brand, improve your strategy and get a better response. Here I am going to talk about what to do and what not to do for making a better presentation of your brand in the digital world. There are several common areas where we see brands struggle (regardless of their industry) and, worse yet, these are areas where they get taken advantage of — all while paying a significant marketing retainer each month.

Here are some common mistakes that we can see these days:

SEO ahmedabadThe website without proper SEO [Search Engine Optimization]

No matter how beautiful you design your website, but if it isn’t optimized for the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Safari) your website is useless. No matter how eye-catching your website is but if it is not displayed on the first page of your search engine result. It is a total waste of time and money if your website is not visible to your target audience. In a survey, it has been found over a ratio of 85% of the surfers in web don’t visit the second result page of a search engine. So I guess I have made my point loud and clear that how important SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can be for your business.

No proper optimization of the website for smartphones

According to the latest Pew research, more than 90% of adults have cell phones and nearly 60% have smartphones. So if your website is not optimized for mobiles then there is a problem. Work with a consultant or agency that can quickly move your company website to mobile without charging an exorbitant fee. A cell phone is something that a person access most of the time. A person may not have access to a computer or laptop all the time but on the other hand, no one can live for an hour without smartphones. So it is quite important for a website to be optimized for mobiles.

digital marketing mistakesLack of Google Analytics analysis

It is important to keep a track of your website’s traffic and traffic referrals. Without Google Analytics, a measurement tool, you can’t track who is visiting your site, what they do while there, when and where they click, how long they stay on your site or how your other marketing tactics like PR and social media are impacting those metrics. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Set up your analytics today. This will help you to know more about the activities of the traffic of your websites. It will eventually help you to improve the ranking of your website. You will know more about the audience of your website. What is the section of your highest traffic and lowest traffic? These results will help you to improve your website’s content.

No proper lead capturing or funneling from your traffic

Even if you have great website content, if there is not a clear CTA (call-to-action) with a way to capture prospective customers’ basic information, a major mistake is taking place. At the very least, your website should have a “Contact Us” form and a way to capture leads that’s less committal. Meaning, have an email opt-in, white paper download or incentive for visitors to provide you with their name and email address so you can move them into your sales funnel. Or you may have a “subscribe” option for an e-newsletter, this will help you to keep in touch with your target audience. Emails once or twice a week can have a great impact on your visitors. Your customer retention ratio will improve definitely.

Content writers must erase errorsIrrelevant Content

Sometimes the content you share may not be relevant to the context or your profile. It doesn’t create a very good impression. People should create relevant content as per your context.  You must not forget the core value and the purpose. Irrelevant content can create a misconception about your business. Focus on writing relevant content. This can be a monthly e-newsletter, weekly or even daily — frequency and content will depend on your product or service and target audience preference. Work with your marketing partner to outline this tactic.

Impact of digital marketing


digital marketing melbourne 2 by merchbaron daxg1l8By the time smartphones and tabs are introduced digital marketing has touched new heights in this digital era. This era has almost everybody with a social media account and the ones without such an account are literally looked down upon for business purposes. Digital marketing is defined by the use of numerous digital tactics and channels to connect with customers where they spend much of their time: online. So, the query that arises is of studying the consumer behavior in digital marketing.  Digital marketing has created a revolution in the virtual world of marketing. Here the traditional method of marketing doesn’t apply. The client doesn’t feel neglected. Digital marketing focuses on connecting with the target audience. The client feels as he/she is a part of it. We all know that digital marketing is impacting the way we communicate with our consumers. From Facebook ads to Google/Bing Pay per Click to mobile marketing, digital media is taking a bigger and bigger chunk of the marketing budget each year. Let’s look at a few reasons why digital marketing is becoming such an integral part of the marketing pie.


Companies have for decades built up their business around the traditional brick-and-mortar channel. The rise of the Internet and the surging popularity of online shopping have offered rapid growth in e-commerce and embodied the emerging click-and-mortar (e.g. or solely online business model (e.g.

Digital Marketing Plan for Online BusinessModern media is no longer confined to a television or radio show, newspaper or advertisement. Instead, today’s media — from text to video and sound — can be saved and shared electronically, using everything from desktop computers to small mobile devices. This electronic dissemination of media has had a powerful impact on the way people communicate for personal reasons, school, and even business.

In fact, “constant” internet usage among adults increased by 5% in just the last three years, according to Pew Research. And although we say it a lot, the way people shop and buy really has changed along with it — meaning offline marketing isn’t as effective as it used to be.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing refers to the “full-funnel” approach to attracting, engaging, and delighting customers using online content. You can use every digital marketing tactic listed until today throughout an inbound marketing strategy.

Digital marketers are in charge of driving brand awareness and lead generation through all the digital channels — both free and paid — that are at a company’s disposal. These channels include social media, the company’s own website, search engine rankings, email, display advertising, and the company’s blog. The job is to drive the target audience to the particular website and promote the landing page. Digital marketers are responsible for the promotion of a product or service of the company. Their Job involves SEO for a better ranking in the search engine. All these factor matters for a tactical promotion of a business.

digimarkseo service pune 1

Reaching more potential customers

Digital media means businesses can reach more customers than ever before. A simple promotion featuring a giveaway or a freebie can earn business hundreds or thousands of Facebook fans and email and text message subscribers, meaning that the business can send a message to these consumers with just a touch of a button. However, digital media also means that those consumers can reach back. Through negative comments to your Facebook page and other social networking sites, like Twitter and your blog, customers can use digital media to take a complaint that would have otherwise been between the two of you worldwide. Creating the reach for the potential customer is quite important. After all, we all want to influence our target audience. We can influence them with our post and content. We can keep them updated with content and posts. This is one of the most important factors for digital marketing in today’s world.

mercadotecnia digital 1920x1080Leading technological edge

Technology is being updated in every single second. Using digital media means using new technology both to create and support the media. New technology can be an asset to your business. When you adopt smartphones and laptops in order to use digital media, you also can positively influence other areas of your business. For example, such mobile technology makes communication among employees much easier. Technology can create the leading edge over your competition. With the advancement in technology, you can go ahead of your competitive market.  So keep yourself updated with technology.



Curate your content to generate potential lead


ContentMarketing810Before you create a single piece of content, make sure that you have a deep understanding of your ideal customer. In modern terms of SEO, there is a huge demand for high-value content or lead generation. No matter what your business model is, content is still king, thus content marketing must be a primary goal. Content is the foundation of your lead generation and leads nurturing efforts. Marketers have come to rely on content to engage prospects and customers in today’s buyer landscape, but to do so, your content must educate, inspire, and beg to be shared. It should help leads to overcome challenges and achieve their aspirations. If you are able to do that, leads will flock to you, and you’ll gain their trust. Know your audience and give them what they need. An effective content marketing strategy helps enforce a strong baseline for lead analysis since every piece of content can be measured. That best practices how-to guide generated 10% of your digital leads for the year? Great—write another one! Your long-form blog on do’s and don’ts was you’re most viewed of the year? Awesome—share it on social media and write a follow-up!

So the first step is to know the need of your target audience. You must be aware of what people a searching these days, what they like to read. How can you appeal through your content? How can you influence them? How can you create the value worth of their time?

A few years back a research revealed that many B2B marketers have documented plans to increase their lead generation budgets by up to 50% the following year. That investment is still on the rise, overall.

contain egainzTraffic Generating Content


Traffic generating content is important for getting eyeballs on your website and growing your audience. You can’t generate leads without traffic.


Here are some of the best types of content for traffic generation. Pick a few from this list to include in your content plan.


Blog posts – This content type is a basic requirement for any content plan. Your blog is like your “hub”: all other types of content should drive traffic to your blog.

Social media posts – These posts will help to drive traffic to your blog.

Videos – Don’t forget that YouTube is the second largest search engine. This is a great opportunity to drive organic traffic to your blog for years to come.

Podcasts – You can encourage your guests to share their episode with their audience, and grow your own in the process.

Infographics – You can include these in blog posts to encourage social sharing.

Photos – Depending on your business, photos may be a type of content that you wish to use for growing your audience.

809a64 a9054ab2865144fe83697c40edd64a79After generating traffic you need to do analyses of the potential leads. It is the filtering process of the traffic. The Lead generating content is content that you package into lead magnets: valuable resources that you give away for free in exchange for someone’s email address.

You cannot just charge money from your client money from the beginning. You have to win their trust. Lead magnets are non-negotiable for generating leads. People don’t want to give their email address out to just anybody, so you have to give them a good incentive.

Now the question is what you can afford to give away for free?

Useful resources – These can be checklists of tools or lists of resources.

E-Books & Free Reports – these offer something educational.

Webinars – webinars work really well as lead magnets because of their high perceived value.

Discounts & Coupons – Perfect if you have an e-Commerce business. All you have to do is offer a coupon code in exchange for an email address.

Free Trial – If you sell software, you could offer a free trial download or a lite version.

Quizzes – You could offer a free quiz, but for your users to get their results they’ll have to give you their email address.

Mini-Course – This could be a series of emails or a series of videos explaining how to do something.

Free Challenge – If you help people to overcome obstacles or achieve goals, you could offer a free challenge to accomplish one thing over a set period of time.

Now the question arises that what’s the platform?

social media

Organic Platform: Organic Platform doesn’t involve any paid advertising, so they are really great for a low budget. However, you can’t expect to get organic traffic right off the bat. Organic traffic takes a bit of time, or even a few months, to get going.

Let’s have a look at some organic platforms:

  • Search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Google Plus+
  • Tumblr
  • Instagram


content marketing imgPaid Platform: As the name suggests you have to spend money on this platform.  You will get traffic a lot quicker than organic platforms. Promotion is lot more-faster in this platform.

Here are the main paid distributions platforms that you’ll want to consider.

  • Social media ads
  • Google AdWords
  • Native ads (ads that appear on other platforms)
  • Banner Ads
  • Content discovery networks (ads for your blog posts that appear in the “around the web” and “recommended stories” sections of large online publications)

I will highly recommend social media ads on Facebook. It is the largest social network in the world. You will get the maximum reach. Facebook is having the maximum number of the user than any other social media. So in order to generate the maximum lead, this will be the best platform.

Map your customer’s needs and curate your content and share it. That’s all it takes to generate potential leads. Be patient and keep yourself updated with the trend.


Being Remarkable


downloadWho doesn’t want to be remarkable? Every one desires attention and recognition. So how do we get it? First of all, we need to understand that being noticed and being remarkable are two different things. People often confuse between these two. If you run naked in streets you will definitely get noticed but you won’t be recognized. What I am saying that it is easy to pull off a stunt in public but it is not necessary that it will accomplish your goal. It is not useful. It is a lame strategy.

Being remarkable doesn’t mean you are remarkable to yourself. No not at all, it means being remarkable to the rest of the world. No one will remark you if you are average, the average is another term for losers. And there is no way a loser can get recognition. Try to understand the urgency of any situation and plan according to the situation. Urgency is the name of opportunity for you. If you do deliver what you promised or what you have been asked Congratulation! You are recognized. Understanding the concept of the deadline is very important. We all have goals: We want to matter. We want to be important. We want to have freedom and power to pursue our creative work. We want respect from our peers and recognition for our accomplishments. Not out of vanity or selfishness, but of an earnest desire to fulfill our personal potential.

Extremism is important. Extremism in the pursuit of recognition is not a sin. In fact, it’s the requirement. That is a necessity.  Stars or celebrities are not recognized because they are good-looking but it’s because of their work. People will appreciate your work. Try to be known for your work. You will be known forever. It’s the glory that is remembered, not your face but your name that counts. Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom. It doesn’t matter on which edge you are more than matters that you are at or beyond the edge. There is a big difference between a ‘high performer’ and a ‘high potential’. High performers are steady and are kept in their respective areas. High potentials are given new challenges and are seen as the future. Which are you? Define yourself. Self-analysis is the key to know your niche.

remarkable marketing 1Be limitless. If you are limited to something then you are suppressing your caliber, your ability, your skill. Push your limits. Always remember that sky is my limit. Who has trouble finding a new gig? Not the remarkable minority, that’s for sure. You set your own standards of achievement. You know that you’ve done a good job (or not) and don’t need the verification or otherwise of those around you to tell you so. Yes, you will still enjoy receiving praise and recognition but it’s not going to dampen your motivation if you don’t get it. And a trait of your internal referencing is that you may set yourself exacting standards and put pressure on yourself to achieve perfection in your eyes. The trick is not to mess it up. Ultimately, I think it’s just going to get you that exposure, get you in that door, and get you that recognition that will hopefully get you opportunities. This is a very high form of recognition, but one slip and you’re off the radar once again.

What Is Wallpapers Gallery 45 Plus PIC WPW405623We all work really hard, and we do it because we’re passionate. We don’t do it because we’re being rated. However, we’d all be remiss if we didn’t think that some kind of recognition for efforts and accomplishments didn’t make you feel good. If your niche is in a manual, and if it is the accepted wisdom, then it’s boring. It can be found in any book and it is not innovative. Try to be the trend. You may be remarkable today but if you do not re-invent or re-invest, you won’t last long. So don’t settle down on your laurels, you must work hard and keep going.  The only way to grow is to abandon your strategy of doing what you did yesterday, but better. Commit. Be the change you wish to see.


Know how to be a brand? How can you gain popularity?



What is a brand?

The Brand is the perception that clients or customers have of your business and the voice that defines your organization as a whole—to recognize the value potential of your company. A brand is not just a logo or a company name. It is something that people say about you when you are not there. The rise of Millennial, social media and thought-leadership are pushing brands to think differently and engage with their audiences in new ways. In simple terms, if you want to succeed, then you need to learn how to create a brand that becomes your customer’s best friend. A brand is a culmination of all the intangible feelings and thoughts that accumulate in a customer’s mind when they think about your business. Brand strategies are your way of altering those perceptions until they suit your company goals. In order to get popular as a brand, you must deliver what you promise to your audience. Generate interest, buzz, and viral spread. Increase brand value – journalistic style. Informative information and an angle or a different take on something, infographics links, controversial, topical, facts, quotations. Generate leads through your press release. Free giveaway, eye-catching,
and more sales – more lay sales letter. Present a big problem your audience face, provide a solution, create urgency or scarcity – selling out fast, limited stock etc. However, the best companies have a drive that goes beyond those obvious elements and separates them from their competitors. Branding your business online will help you connect with your potential customers in the digital spaces where they spend time. A well-developed brand will stick with consumers. Even if they’re not ready to buy from you right now, they’ll remember you when they need your products or services.

brand2Let’s explore some Key elements to create a Brand:

  • Defining Goals– Generate interest, buzz, viral spread. Increase brand value – journalistic style. Informative information and angle or a different take on something, infographics links, controversial, topical, facts, quotations. Generate leads through your press release. Free giveaway, eye-catching,
    More sales – more lie sales letter. Present a big problem your audience face, provide a solution, create urgency or scarcity – selling out fast, limited stock etc.
  • Being Consistent: Firstly you have to decide what is driving your brand forward. Consistency is easier to achieve than you might think. It simply means assessing everything you do and asking yourself whether it fits with the image you’re presenting to the world. Creating brand guidelines can simply boost the chances of improving your consistency. Keep that in mind that consistency plays a vital role in your brand. Consistency helps your audience quickly recognize and identify with your brand, while inconsistency can confuse your audience and cause them to see your business as unprofessional.
  • Emotional brand attachment: If your brand appeals to the need to be a part of something that’s larger than ourselves. It will automatically draw sentimental values. This makes your brand powerful. Try to use a clean design with simplicity and a desire to create an innovative revolution. You can enhance engagement and develop a more sustainable relationship for the long term.
  • Engagement with your Employees: The workforce is also very important in creating your brand image. Whether you’re investing in a new type of social media branding, or you’re building a brand from scratch, you need the insights and buy-in of your customers to be successful. The employees are the group that is often overlooked. This group is responsible for everything. Employee advocacy reinforces the company culture and values that you rave about in your press releases and through your website “about” page, showing how concepts can translate into real behaviors and campaigns.

Brand3The brand elements are the senses of a brand. It helps to define a brand. It consists of the core values that a brand stands for. One great way to improve your customer retention is to reward customers for every purchase. Everyone likes to get something extra without paying more money. Once you start building an audience online, encourage your followers to share brand content on your website and social media. User-generated content, which can be anything from product reviews to unboxing videos, builds your brand’s authenticity and provides social proof. When potential customers see real people using and enjoying your product, their confidence in your brand will increase. This strategy can make your brand popular. Give them referral codes. This will even create more visits to

your website. This will even make your brand more popular.

Adopting a reward plan will help you become known as a company that truly cares about its customers. Additionally, if your company offers a type of reward plan that none of your competitors have, you can use it as a unique selling proposition. You can get a leading edge over your competitors. Be a trendsetter. Be precise to your goal. Change the course of the tide.



Why do we need a branding strategy?


For long-term planning and development of a successful brand in order to reach the target audience and make a global significance, branding strategy is important. A well-defined strategy can help the growth of a business in the longer run. A branding strategy is said to be successful if it affects all the aspects of business and is directly connected to consumer needs, emotions and competition.

br2Your brand strategy defines what you stand for, a promise you make, and the personality you convey. And while it includes your logo, color palette, and slogan, those are only creative elements that convey your brand. Branding allows a business to differentiate its products and services from those of its competitors. It tells them what they can expect from your products and services, and it differentiates your offering from that of your competitors. Your brand is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be. This is how your brand’s purpose is defined. It plays a vital role.

Defining your brand is like a journey of business self-discovery. It can be difficult, time-consuming and uncomfortable.

To understand brand strategy, one must first understand branding.

Think about successful consumer brands like Disney, Tiffany or Starbucks. You probably know what each brand represents. Now imagine that you’re competing against one of these companies. If you want to capture significant market share, start with a strong brand strategy or you may not get far.

Branding should occur before a marketing strategy ever begins. Branding is not the act of pushing out a message. On the contrary, it is the pulling in of a message. It is listening to the consumer and using that information to build a brand strategy. Branding is what drives marketing. Branding is strategic in nature whereas on the on the other hand marketing is purely tactical. Branding significantly enhances the brand’s market performance and profitability by improving name recognition, building credibility and trust, increasing advertising effectiveness and inspiring employees. The foundation of your brand is your logo. Your website, packaging and promotional materials–all of which should integrate your logo–communicate your brand.

br3A company’s brand strategy must be based on the goals of the company. Without the brand strategy, the company will eventually fail. Brand strategy is the blueprint that explains who, how, what, and when of how a company plans on communicating their product. The stronger the brand strategy is the higher brand equity that could result.

There are many different types of brand strategies that vary based on target audiences, marketing campaigns, and budgets. A well-received brand strategy has the potential to build brand equity and solidify its place as an established brand. Some companies employ multiple strategies to increase the odds of a successful campaign. Your distribution channels are also part of your brand strategy. And what you communicate visually and verbally is part of your brand strategy, too. An optimized social media presence can boost your brand. The best thing about social media is that it is not limited to any nation. You can promote your brand worldwide.

The brand message should be refined to make sure it is aligned with the mission and values of the brand. A clear brand message is a key to bridge the gap between brand strategy and brand messaging. The added value intrinsic to brand equity frequently comes in the form of perceived quality or emotional attachment.

Consistency plays a crucial role. Once a marketing team is able to define its brand attributes, it is essential those attributes maintain consistency throughout the branding process. Everything should be about the brand. You must define how your brand should be remembered.


“No Brand” Branding

No brand products are often simple and generic in design. A minimalist approach can speak tons of volumes. These brands are outsourced to the public for brand creation, which allows customers the chance to be involved in the naming process, and effectively drives up personal interest in a product. It is also called crowdsourcing.

“Your future depends on many things most importantly you”

Customers won’t return to you–or refer you to someone else–if you don’t deliver on your brand promise.

Developing a brand that has a loyal customer base is a wonderful thing. But your brand cannot just sit on its laurels. It is time to reward these customers. Remember, these loyal customers will tell their friends and family about your brand, and they will discuss it on social media. Rewarding these customers will keep them coming back, which will result in more profits.

If you find our thought pieces on brand strategy and brand management insightful and would like a deeper understanding for yourself, your marketing teams or leadership teams we can develop a tailored strategy for you. Feel free to contact us.


Designing a logo—Creativity in graphics


The creative design comes in handy while working in the field of graphic design. After all, it’s too easy to lose steam in the midst of cranking out design after design. Fear not! For your inspiration needs, we’ve combed through every inch of the internet to bring you the best design existence.

imagesResearch your audience: Designing a logo is not just about creating an appealing visual. Like the overall color scheme and design of your site, your logo sets your brand apart from the competition and shows people that you’re a legitimate business. Logos are a critical part of the modern visual landscape. Throw yourself into the brand. Save all your sketches. Research online. Create mind maps or mood boards. Build a board and tear it apart. Stop with the clichés. Know your customer need. Give him/her a variety of different design to think on. Ask your customer about the message he/she want to convey via the logo. Don’t just be a designer – be a good one. Designing an effective logo is not a quick or easy process. What it requires is through research, thought, care and attention to ensure the final logo design targets the correct market and broadcasts the right message. A poorly designed logo will have a negative effect on the perception of your business; however, a carefully designed logo can transform a business by attracting the right people.

Idea generation: When working on designs you should start on paper, using numerous idea generation techniques, such as brainstorming and word mapping. This is typically a very organic process and can vary from project to project. Any idea that comes to mind will be sketched on paper to explore the full depth of potential ideas for the logo design. You should be updated with the current trend in the graphic designing. It’s wild to see dozens of design examples categorized by their inherent design trend. Each page even has a small infographic for each trend displaying popularity by year. Quite revealing!

images 1Once the idea has been explored on paper you should begin to work on the designs using software called Adobe Illustrator, which is a vector-based software program, which means the artwork produced is scalable and will never lose quality. You should continue to explore and experiment with the ideas even during this state, to ensure the idea produced is presented in its best possible light. Use vector shapes in Adobe Illustrator CC to create a logo that looks good onscreen and in print. The best part about vector art is that it scales to any size. It can be a small business card or a large billboards vector art can be resized and it will not lose its quality. Try to know about the golden circle ratio. It will help you to get a better understanding of various designs.


Once you have made several solid designs prepared, you will have an incubation period of at least a day, where you will not look at the designs. During this time you may consider new ideas which you would like to explore and can return to the project with a fresh perspective. Following this period you should return to the designs, refine the work where needed and select the most suitable designs to present. Add vector design in your logo and create some mind-blowing designs in order to draw your clients

magento logo11Designing the Idea and presenting:  Once designs are ready to present you should create a PDF document which will display the logo designs created, with images of the designs in real life examples, along with supporting notes explaining the decisions made. We only present designs which we are confident in, and will give you my opinion on which you believe will be most suitable for your client’s business. You should leave the final choice to your client, and if there is any possibility of improvement in design, the design could be improved or modified to better meet the objectives, changes can be made where necessary.

Finalizing the Project:   Once the designing process is completed; and we are both satisfied with the final design work, we will be finalizing the new logo files for use on web and print. You are also supposed to prepare a logo usage document to help you make the most of your new logo as your business grows, and if at any point you need help with your logo files you should be available to help and support your client ongoing.


Dream it and Chase it…

Dreams are quite important in life. Dreams are the aspiration of something you desire. Dream something big, big enough to worth living for, something that sets your soul on fire and be fearless in pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. Stay true to yourself but yet open to learning. Remember everything is possible for those who believe.

dr5The dream should be your passion. Follow your passion, stay focused, chase your dream your passion and keep moving towards your goal. Never ever give up on your dreams. No matter what happens, how tough the situation is, never settle unless your dream is fulfilled.  Let your dreams outgrow the shoe of your expectations.

Follow your dreams, if you have a goal and you plan on achieving it, then work hard and do everything you can to get there. A day will come when your dream will no longer be a dream but reality. Start living your dream. You are the one who controls your future, your destiny. Whatever you think about comes about. By setting your dreams and goals on a plan, you will set a motion on a plan on becoming the person on what you want to be. Put your future in good hands, that’s your own. One has to stand up for what he believes in. No person has got the rights to rain on your dreams.

chasing dreamThe starting points of discovering who we are, our gifts, and our talents our dreams depend on being comfortable with ourselves.  In order to know yourself, you should spend some time alone, take some long walks, see around, and improve your thinking. Take a leap of faith and start believing in yourself. Never set limits, go after your dreams, don’t be afraid to push the boundaries. The insecurity that’s always chasing you stands between you and your dream. Never let that insecurity consume you.

Walt Disney, a man of dreams, once said: “all our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” Some criticized him and laughed at the magnitude of what he believed he could achieve. However, Walt Disney was able to change the face of the by disregarding comments about how his dream was impossible. His dream may not have turned out the same way he thought it would, but by simply chasing a dream he was able to achieve unimaginable things for himself and for so many others.

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.  

dr2Every morning you will have two choices, either sleep with your dreams or get up and chase them. It’s very simple if you don’t go after what you want, you will never have it. You can go slow, allow your goals and dreams change, bur live an intentional life. If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it. To achieve great things be smart and work hard. You don’t know how strong you are until being strong is the only option left for you. You can dream in your comfort zone but to achieve your dream get rid of your comfort zone.

All ways remember if your dreams don’t scare you they are not big enough. When you realize that you have nothing to lose, then no limits is big enough to stop you from chasing your dreams. The thought of nothing to lose will turn you into a beast. And then nothing is going to stop you from chasing your dream. Saddle your dreams before you ride them. Follow your intuition. Trust your instincts, gut feelings.  Take the path that is less traveled. When deeds speak words are nothing. Let your action speaks.  The distance between dreams and reality is action.

 Stop looking for permission to pursue your dreams! They are your dreams and you don’t need a co-signer to chase them!  

dr3To live a life you imagined for yourself and your family you must follow your passion. Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.  Believe in your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem.  Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. Follow your heart and chase your dreams until you catch them. Negative people who say you can’t do something are only speaking for themselves.

A dream may be small, may not change the world, but it did change your life. As you look back, you will realize how powerful just one dream truly was, and how it pushed you to achieve more than many ever thought possible… Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. I believe everyone should have dreams to chase. For even if you fall short of the place you’d like to be… take a moment, look behind you, and see how far you’ve come. Dreams can push you and motivate you to reach heights that you’ve only ever imagined.

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