Hamarbol – Online news website
Chhattisgarh's first Jain Software promoted Startup & News portalDate
September 12, 2013
Online Marketing, SoftwareAbout
Hamarbol is chhattisgarh news portal where you can find more than 500+ news articles on various topics like हमर-पहुॅुना ,न्यूज ,एंटरटेनमेंट,सैर-सपाटा,खाना-खजाना .
Site webmaster have following rights :
A. Site admin can add news from admin portal .
B. Site have fonts size,color ,background editor feature while adding news.
C. Admin can add images or image sliders on any news
D. Admin can create flash news section ,important news sections.
E. Users can comment on site news and can like and can share from social engines like in facebook ,twitter & instagram.
F.Site webmaster has right to assign different levels to users like moderator,editor,reviewer,poster,etc
G. Site admin can check live visitors status from backhand .