Selecting the right web host plan for your site is not an easy decision. That is why it becomes a little difficult to determine what best fits in your business among so many products. Being involved in the hosting technology through Jain Software’s dedicated hosting server MNC Host, we are here to help you with the basic tips when choosing the hosting plan to support your growth, scalability and your website performance. Here are eight guidelines for selecting the right hosting plan with Jain Software of choosing the right hosting plan.
1. Get to know your website’s requirements
The first aspect of hosting to consider, however, is what your website actually needs. Websites can be without and with data base, beginning from simple static pages and up to complex e-commerce sites. Here’s a quick breakdown of common types:
- Basic Websites or Blogs: Sometimes require little resources like what is provided by companies hosting multiple domains on a single server(shared hosting).
- E-commerce Sites: Need firm storage capacity, bandwidth and computing capacity especially during peak usage times.
- Large Corporate or Content-Heavy Sites: Specifically, these sites can solely utilize dedicated servers or cloud hosting for steadiness, security, and flexibleness processing.
MNC Host packages provided by Jain Software are easy to scale and include shared hosting, VPS, managed and unmanaged dedicated servers to meet every client’s requirement.
2. Assess the Capacity of Hosting the Plan
When you’re scaling up your business, so does your hosting needs. Choose the hosting plan with provisions of expandability through increased visitor traffic, augmented databases or added features that do not slow down the websites’ functioning.
Both Jain Software’s hosting solutions with MNC Host are easily upgradable from shared hosting to dedicated hosting, or to the cloud solutions for easy compatibility of the website with your business needs.
3. Consider the Type of Hosting Plan: Shared hosting, VPS hosting, Dedicated hosting or Cloud hosting
There are several hosting types, each with its own benefits and considerations:
- Shared Hosting: Shared hosting is cheaper and provides enough resources for managing a smaller site, but space and resources are rented and are divided among other sites, and that can slow down a site during frequent heavy traffic.
- VPS (Virtual Private Server): They become assigned resources in a shared environment, with more management and reliability to medium sized websites.
- Dedicated Hosting: The whole server is allocated for you which provides high security, high performance, high customization for the sites and good for the sites that has a lot of traffics.
- Cloud Hosting: Mecha nism that provides easy system expansion where multiple servers are used for load balancing hence high reliability and performance especially for dynamic sites.
Jain Software offers each of the hosting through MNC Host and assists you in choosing the type that fits the overall budget, security, and resources needed.

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4. Prioritize Security Features
A company of web hosting should provide strong security measures to safeguard your data and to keep the website safe from any physical interferences. When evaluating security, consider:
- SSL Certificates: These are very important for security of the data and to ensure the visitors of your website that they are safe with you.
- DDoS Protection: Anti-DDoS defence isolates your website from undesirable traffic mainly meant to overload it and cause its dysfunction.
- Regular Backups: At Jain Software we provide normal backup service to support data of your website and ensure that in case of any accident we can recover the data.
- Firewalls and Malware Scanning: These would help avoid the menace of unauthorized access to your website’s data files and the associated databases.
However, the distinctive plans of MNC Host are equipped with highly enhanced security features to provide great security and freedom to all the kind of businesses.
5. Assessing the Quality of Customer Services
This is so important in handling a site since some problems may occur at one point or the other and the client is the one who will be affected. This means that, whether a player is experiencing a spot of downtime, a quick questioning, or something of the like, responsive support is ideal to have for as little interruption as possible.
There is always an experienced support team at Jain Software to help you with minor problems and complications as well as any technical problems which may occur after purchasing MNC Host. To further strengthen the Jain Software’s promise of customer satisfaction through prompt support, technical assistance is never a phone call or an email message away.
6. Check Bandwidth and Storage Demand
Bandwidth dictates the amount of information exchange possible between the server and viewers and storage imply the amount of disk space a website will need. While choosing our package, if you plan to have more visitors or have large newsgroup attachments or if you wish to store huge amount of media content, then it is very important to go in for higher bandwidth and storage space.
Jain Software offering all bandwidth and downloading capability in flexible packages and unlimited space to host your traffic and contents. MNC Host offers hosting for business of all sizes including small business, budding startup, high traffic websites etc.
7. Read More About: Uptime Guarantees and Reliability
Availability is defined as the percentage of time your Web site is up and running. It as seen that even short periods of outage could cause visitors to abandon the site, particularly when there are revenue generation activities through the Site or provision of value added services.
It’s vital; therefore, to work with a web host that provides almost a 100% uptime guarantee like MNC Host that Jain Software provides. A powerful backend and a professional technical support work in unison to quickly fix possible imposing issues that decrease the website’s availability and risk damaging its reputation.
8. More to that, when searching, be on the lookout for Other Functions and Extensions.
There are additional things that a hosting provider may include in your package, to enhance your host. These features could themselves make a lot of difference between a satisfactory or a bad experience. Some additional features offered by Jain Software’s MNC Host include:
- Free Website Migration: As for migration service, Jain Software offers transferring process of your site from another host to MNC Host with ease.
- One-Click Installations: Through this it makes it easier to install other popular CMS platforms like the WordPress, Joomla and Magento with just a single click.
- SEO Tools: The tools are affected by search engine optimization that assist in enhancing visibility and helpful for growing business.
- Website Analytics: Integrated analysis tools allow you to track your website traffic and general performance on the site, and therefore, monitor user behavior.
The above features help Jain Software make sure that your hosting plan gives website the support, flexibility, and performances that it needs.

Choose carefully because the type of hosting plan you decide on determines the stability of your web presence. The eight tips outlined above, ranging from their ability to meet your website requirements, safeguarding core issues, tackling scalability or prioritizing the dependable yet cost effective support, can be of great assist in arriving at an informed decision that is fitting to your business.
MNC Host is Jain Software’s hosting service with hosting solutions for every Internet user, business, organization, and industry. Along with an efficient technical team, modern physical infrastructure, and high security standards, MNC Host contributes to the stable, secure, and further Growth.
Whether you are small business, an emerging and expanding e-commerce store, or a large enterprise site, Jain Software is committed to assisting you in choosing a hosting platform that will create an environment for the growth, stability, and success of your business. Contact Jain Software today to learn how MNC Host can enhance your web solutions and support all of your objectives online.
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