New Google Spaces – Social sharing on 1 tap
In Official Blog, Tech-BLOGFinally Google has announced the official release of the app for social sharing named Spaces. Spaces is a group sharing app for Android, iOS, and the web that lets you create a new space for each topic or conversation . The app is available now for android and ios on app markets.
According to Google, Spaces is Small group sharing for everything in life. Spaces is designed to make it easy to share content in a “space” .You can make spaces about anything—an event, project, or general interest. Rather than jump from one app to another, you can use Google search, YouTube, and Chrome to find content inside Spaces, you can find and share articles, videos, and photos from within the app. And when you need to get back to something you recently saw in one of your spaces, use the search feature to find it in a snap. To get people to join your spaces, you will, of course, need to get them to download and install this app.
From study groups to house hunting to weekend trips and more, Spaces helps you get a group together quickly to share things about any topic.
Go ahead and make your better spaces with new Google Spaces.Share your thoughts on comments..